Lambretta GP200

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That is in mint condition. Some more detail shots would have been nice, i.e. the speedometer, maybe the rear cover off so we can see a bit more of the engine etc.. generally more detail shots.

Background doesn't add much to the images though. Lovely scooter, thanks for sharing :)
thanks Carl - im looking to reshoot this to be honest. I took them in 2012 with my d3000 & I'd like to think ive come on a little since then - will post an update when I get a chance to re shoot :) thanks for the tips matie!

Spk soon
Get it away from that wall, and out of town, or wide open space.

Lovely Lammy by the way

Here's a couple of mine, with better background than a brick wall :) ;)


I agree Les totally - Love the beach/lake shot, Where was this taken?

Lake Semerwater, near Hawes in the Yorkshire Dales, while not only a lovely area for scootering, you can drive right down to the waters edge.
side panels off?

many lives ago I had the light blue monster of a scooter LI 150 :)
Thanks Tony, i use to live ina place called Kippax ha! they also had a scooter club.... thought this was too much of a coincidence - then i saw you were in Lancs ha! - thanks for yoru comment
Looks great Les... may have to take a trip there! thanks for sharing

The top photo is at West Burton, which is worth a visit if you are in the area, it's a bit of a photographers magnet (with or without a scooter) , you can park right next to the waterfall (and it's free).

Both these locations are around 60 miles for you, so both could be a nice summers ride out :)
The top photo is at West Burton, which is worth a visit if you are in the area, it's a bit of a photographers magnet (with or without a scooter) , you can park right next to the waterfall (and it's free).

Both these locations are around 60 miles for you, so both could be a nice summers ride out :)

Thanks Les - im from Yorkshire so know the area quite well - some time ago (Quite some time ago) my school trips use to be here however back then my (our) "focus" was more about flickinging Yogert on one an other! ha! but looks well worth the trip back
The black and white one is spoilt by the bump in the ground and the beach one is some how wrong with were the sea level cuts through the head stock, maybe bring the scooter a bit forther forward.But they are 90% right for me.Great scooter aswell.
I had three Ld 150 's. the first was stolen the second was backed over by a truck and the third I gave to my brother when I moved to Spain. They all had high slotted windscreens complete with aprons and spare wheels on the rear carrier.
My eldest brother had the original D150 which had no side covers and had the shaft drive like the Ld's.
I always fancied the NSU version.
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