Landscape Photos Feedback...

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My name is Tom Anthony and I'm a disabled photographer from the Peak District and I would very much value your feedback with regards to my work

Here is a link to my website -

Thank you for taking the time to view my work
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I really like most of your images,been from sheffield im a bit annoyed with myself for not taking any nice photos like yourself. You make sheffield and surrounding look really cool/nice and the images are nice and crisp. i do much prefer your city images to your landscape images but i cant really say why! keep up the good work.
Well spent 25 mins scouting round your site and still as impressed from the opening page great captures lovely work
Tom, great work...I'm impressed with your stuff(y)
One thing about your site though. The 'about' paragraphs have a lot of mistakes in them e.g.
'My enthusiasm for photography started when he got his first camera'

You should try to tidy this section up in my opinion as it will then look more professional (y)

The site required a plug in to view images. Any chance you could post some 800 wide examples here? Hope you don't mind me asking, in what way are you disabled?

curvectur of the spine and find it hard to walk sometimes

That sounds awful, does it really get in the way of photography a lot? Sorry for the daft questions, just I have wondered on occasions whether photography is a difficult hobby for people less able or mobile. Sounds stupid, I know - as clearly it must be more difficult, I was wondering how much more difficult...but that will obviously depend on the severity of any condition.

This all stems by the way from my extreme paranoia that one day something bad will happen to me, and I would HATE to not be able to continue to enjoy photography. Call it BA BARACUS syndrome if you will :)
