Large Format photography group - From "zero to hero!"

Probably saving for the Ebony..only a matter of time.
The thing is I really like the MPP, it's superbly built and the lens is sharp as a sharp thing but it's just too heavy to lug up s hill.
It is set up in the dining room as we speak, just waiting for the Sun to come round a bit and I shall be taking some still life shots. :)
Shots taken, devved and drying. There was one from the morning on the bay which I'm quite hopeful of.
A large format camera with a date? That's a surprise; I thought they were totally battery-free!
Dunno, tbh. Nicks Ektachrome from the weekend that looked too far gone turned out to be eminently recoverable on the other hand his portra was newer and completely shot.
Morning all,

I need some advice regarding copal shutter servicing. Lens I bought on the bay has a hilariously stiff shutter dial and the lower shutter speeds are inaccurate. Can anyone recommend a place to get it serviced and, if known, approximate costs involved?
Miles Whitehead, he charged me £40 each + p&p to have a 00 and a 1 serviced a couple of years ago they've been grand since, ironically though I hardly use the lenses that were serviced....
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They were exceedingly good repairs...

Not sure why my phone dropped that extra 4 there! Op edited.
Roger roger. Thanks fella. Just had a quote back from him essentially mirroring your stated cost. Waiting on a quote from black on white as well.
Has anyone used a Canonscan 9950f for 5x4 scanning? I keep getting outbid on the Epson varieties and there's a nice one on the bay at the mo with all the holders etc.

Roger roger. Thanks fella. Just had a quote back from him essentially mirroring your stated cost. Waiting on a quote from black on white as well.

Did you get this sorted, there is a place local to me (Newcastle) who was around £20 last time I checked. I can ask if you are not sorted, but only open Tuesday onwards. his website is Classic Photographics in case you wanted to email him.

A couple of new names there that aren't on the sticky for repairs at Maybe @TheBigYin could oblige in adding them?
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Assuming it's the same as mine, the only caveats I'd make are that the bellows are fixed (not intended to be removed and replaced; there's a sense in which nothing is truly fixed, as we've all seen with the leatherette finish on some of the cameras that are "modified) and I personally find the Fresnel rings obtrusive (compared to an Ebony screen or the one on the Canham).

But on the plus side - small and light.

The maximum bellows extension may be limiting if you want long lenses though - I think it's double extension.
Thank you Stephen, good points. I would only be thinking of using lenses no more than 250mm at a maximum so I imagine the bellows extension would be fine. It's the small and light point that is important to me as I want to get something I can take out walking with me.

I've happily (although "happily" might be a relative term!) walked along the North Face path of Ben Nevis with a Wista DX and RZ67 in my backback, plus tripod, darkslides, film etc. etc. So it's easy to take out for a walk (and better behaved than a dog as well).

I think that the lightest 5x4 you can get weighs in at around 1.2 kg, and the Wista is 1.6 kg, which puts things in perspective.

But - I used to use a monorail that didn't fold and weighed 4.2 kg, and I carried that round with me. After a 35mm outfit, it was small and light.
Finally... :naughty: An Epson 4990 with all the bits it came with in excellent condition. I ended up paying a bit more than I wanted to but I was fed up with getting pipped at the post.

Just need to get the V500 into the classifieds now.

The 4990 seems to be working very well indeed. I've rescanned a few shots and even though it is slower to scan than the V500 the fact that I don't have to turn the neg around and do the other half means its actually slightly faster.

Now then, another newb question. Am I right in thinking that Wista lens boards are the same as the the Linhof Technika type?


The 4990 seems to be working very well indeed. I've rescanned a few shots and even though it is slower to scan than the V500 the fact that I don't have to turn the neg around and do the other half means its actually slightly faster.

Now then, another newb question. Am I right in thinking that Wista lens boards are the same as the the Linhof Technika type?



Yeah they're the closet thing there is to a standard. As far as I can see they're interchangeable.
And another.....:thinking:

I have the official remove rear of lens from front of lens to take off lens board tool but so far it has proven to be about as much use as a chocolate fire guard... the lens remains firmly and irrevocable attached to itself. Any thoughts as to how to loosen it off without causing some kind of catastrophic lens breaking scenario?
Have you got the two pointy bit type of tool or the flat pressed metal type of tool?
It says "Pro" so it should be fine. Are you bringing it to Bristol? I can bring mine which might give you a little more purchase.
It says "Pro" so it should be fine. Are you bringing it to Bristol? I can bring mine which might give you a little more purchase.

I think I'll leave it here... it weighs the same as the Clifton Suspension Bridge....

Its not a problem, I just thought I'd give it a go, doesn't matter if it stays in the same lens board. Ta anyway.
I think I'll leave it here... it weighs the same as the Clifton Suspension Bridge....

Its not a problem, I just thought I'd give it a go, doesn't matter if it stays in the same lens board. Ta anyway.
No probs.
What lens is it that you're having a problem with? Surely it can't weigh as much as the Nikkor 90mm F/4.5?

Doh! Never thought about just bringing the lens......
It says "Pro" so it should be fine. Are you bringing it to Bristol? I can bring mine which might give you a little more purchase.

So, after making another ar*se of myself could you please bringing your widget to Bristol Nick and we'll see if it works better than my widget. Ta.