Last hoverfly from 2022 and others

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because of the large number of photos I took on holiday I have a big backlog of photos. Anyway this is from Nov 2022 - in 2021 I saw hoverflies for a lot longer but the weather was not so warm last year

Eupeodes sp. (m)
IMG_3287_Hoverfly by davholla2002, on Flickr

Dicyrtoma fusca, Springtail from the allotment, the real size is 1.39 mm, magnification is 5.18
IMG_.87900Springtail by davholla2002, on Flickr

Leaf hopper of some type possible Ribautiana debilis, on bramble, TQ 40104 68783
The real size is 1.93 mm, magnification is 6.02
IMG_8781_Leafhopper by davholla2002, on Flickr
Springtail from the allotment, The real size is 1.28 mm, magnification is 5.18
IMG_8793_Springtail by davholla2002, on Flickr

Orchesella villosa,, The real size is 4.52 mm, magnification is 2.52

IMG_8801Springtail by davholla2002, on Flickr
"Excellent" set of macro/close up captures David.