last night i learnt to fly

Was sitting and about somewhat bored last night, so decided to have have a bash at making myself float, this was more of an experiment the as anything else, but hope to use the technique as again soon
Quite enjoy levitation photos tried it with my kids must do it again! Like the processing on this one works well.
Bloody hell!, this thread has randomly sprung to life, I'm sure I started this months ago!
The technique behind it is actually very simple, just stand on a box, camera on tripod take the shot, move yourself and the box, take another shot (don't move camera or change settings), then in photoshop simply open the 2 images up as separate layers then use a layer maskbto hide the box you were standing on. Then like Dynamo you can suddenly defy gravity!
Bloody hell!, this thread has randomly sprung to life, I'm sure I started this months ago!
The technique behind it is actually very simple, just stand on a box, camera on tripod take the shot, move yourself and the box, take another shot (don't move camera or change settings), then in photoshop simply open the 2 images up as separate layers then use a layer maskbto hide the box you were standing on. Then like Dynamo you can suddenly defy gravity!

Thanks for getting back to me and letting us know will have a go :)
I do love these shots. Done one a while ago, not as professional looking as yours, but turned it up a notch.....


Same theory as above, except three photos. 1. Blank room 2. my dog lying there 3. Me sat on a piano stool.
Just had to mess with the shadows to make it realistic, that was the toughest part. Very fun photos to do.
I do love these shots. Done one a while ago, not as professional looking as yours, but turned it up a notch.....

Same theory as above, except three photos. 1. Blank room 2. my dog lying there 3. Me sat on a piano stool.
Just had to mess with the shadows to make it realistic, that was the toughest part. Very fun photos to do.

That has worked really well, i know what you mean with the shadows I done an indoor one the other week and proved a right pain to process.
for me, the mass of blank space above OP's head takes away the feeling of levitating :( like the one with the dog though, and well photoshopped, looks realistic even at the second glance (y)

The space was left intentionally, to complete the scene (the lighting wouldn't of worked without the space)