Last of the air cooled

Rob Macdonald
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My brothers 911 at Shelsley Walsh.

Sorry... I dont know what it is, but it doesn't work for me. I think its the setting... and the sheep in the field. Its like it's hiding in the corner of a car-park, in the way that makes you want to turn away and hurry past expecting the windows to be steamed up!
Its a nice car; its a nice setting; the exposure is great... but... but, I honestly am struggling to look the car in the eye as it were! I don't know, maybe its the shaddow in the foreground, and the back-lighting, but 'something' is actually creating 'negative' engagement to draw me into the subject.... nope... I keep going back.. tree to left is dragging my eye... the branch coming out of the side is drawing me in... its like one of the the tree-people out of the Never-ending story.... the hot-spot just over the passenger door, keeps leaping out at me, and the drivers side mirror.... the number-plate.... the notice on the telegraph pole, the sheep in the field behind.... are those tents at the far end of the field? I REALLY am struggling to focus my attension on the ruddy car!
Sorry, it ought to work, but there's just something jarring about it, but I cant put my finger on anything other than 'dogging' insinuation made by setting!
Mike, some interesting comments there, some I agree with, some I don`t, but thank you for taking the time to post your thoughts.

As for dogging....definately not !!!.........He only does that on Fridays.

I think it's the shadows, they are all wrong, the whole foreground is a rectangular block of black nothing, I think it becomes the focal point and spoils the rest of the image.
Gorgeous car the 993, really not sure about the shot though, looks like you've just reversed into a fence, and the front end is in the dark. Its because although the car is in the shade, you're still shooting into the sun, it's creating an odd light on the subject that doesn't look quite right. Something as simple as a bit of fill flash might have helped a bit.