Lastpass etc

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So 1Password has suddenly stopped working. Also, I'm kind of tired of the constant nags to pay them more money.

Is LastPass king of the (free) hill? Or is there something better? Looking for something for Chrome under OS X. Would be nice if it could also save secure notes, backed up on the cloud and could generate passwords with specified rules (mixed case, special characters, etc).

Oh and if it could import 10 years of history from 1Password version 3 that would be perfect. v4 is when they started CSV exports......
Love Lastpass, but there`s a few others so why not try them all and then decide.
I use lastpass as it integrates with browser. Works fine for me.

The one open sources / always free / your own encryption / your responsibility / most secure is Keepass:
Didn't have browser integration last time I checked.

To be honest it is the best though if you can live without browser clickies.
I use Keypass, and find it does everything I need.
There is also a port to Android fro my phone and tablet, so I can synchronise the DB across devices (using Google Drive), but I control when to synchronise, and the 'master' copy is on my PC.

As Ian said, it's free and open source, so is unlikely to suddenly start being a paid for application, or to suddenly stop being supported.

It does not have direct browser integration, but does have 'autotype' - so it will enter both username and password, and click go with a single command.
Not sure that KeePass works on OS X but happy to be corrected. An excellent program if it does.
Not sure that KeePass works on OS X but happy to be corrected. An excellent program if it does.
It’s available for MacOS.
Personally I wouldn't touch Lastpass after they were acquired by LogMeIn. I stopped using LastPass Premium not long before they were acquired because I got the sense they were, in some instances, putting development of features and the UX/UI before security. If I recall they then had a breach in mid 2015 and I haven't tried LastPass since.

I would say KeePass is "king of the hill" in terms of free options.

I use 1Password for the majority things combined with Pass and KeePass for specific niche stuff. I also use YubiKeys...quite a lot of YubiKeys.
1Password costs money but I think it’s better than the others, especially LastPass after the Logmein purchase. That they’ve gone over to mostly subscription (though I think you can still buy standalone) is annoying but I understand the reason.
AgileBits are very open about the ups and downs of password management on their blogs and forums and kept on their toes by the fact that a lot of security professionals use it (and dislike the cloudy version).
1Password costs money but I think it’s better than the others, especially LastPass after the Logmein purchase. That they’ve gone over to mostly subscription (though I think you can still buy standalone) is annoying but I understand the reason.
AgileBits are very open about the ups and downs of password management on their blogs and forums and kept on their toes by the fact that a lot of security professionals use it (and dislike the cloudy version).

That's a pretty sensible summary. I really don't mind paying for something like this as my passwords are worth at least a lot of time (and possibly a lot of money) to me. 1Password has become increasingly clunky but I've always like the company so maybe I should try a newer version.

Very interesting thoughts on LastPass - I guess they always looked like a firm waiting for a big money buy out. Keepass looks great but I think I really do want browser integration (that's basically the bit of 1P that's broken for me and it's a bit of a pain.)

Maybe no help but if you are on 1Password 3 this may apply:
“If you purchased 1Password 3 for Mac on our AgileBits Store any time after January 1, 2013, you already have a license for 1Password 6 for Mac. You can have it resent at any time.

Wowsers - I'm going to check that. IIRC I bought 1P on one of those crazy bundles but I'll check.
I’m still using the standalone version 6 syncing to a file in Dropbox and I haven’t found it clunky. You don’t have to install browser add-ons any more it just works from the helper in the menu bar on the Mac. I suppose you could call it clunky on iPad or iPhone but it opens and fills from the Share menu with fingerprint authorisation. There are always some web sites that don’t work properly that way but now you can have 1Password and Safari open side by side on the iPad so it is easier to copy and paste untypeable passwords and usernames.

Oh, and by the way, thanks, I’ve never been called “sensible” before ;-)
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So here's an update.......

1. 1Password version whatever is becoming increasingly cranky. It now crashes about half the time I search for a password. I need to replace it.
2. 1Password 6 doesn't seem nearly as good. The desktop app is all pretty but the browser integration doesn't seem very good and if I'm going to pay for something then it really better work.
3. Keepass looks great. I actually have to use it on a business PC and it's perfect. Unfortunately the Mac version is just horrid. Either I can insatll 2 different support libraries and then hope it works or go for the "stable" Mac version which doesn't allow me to save stuff. Even after I've used some PHP to convert data from the old version of 1P.

Any more suggestions? Looks like either I pay for a version of 1P that I don't really like of go with LastPass :(
So here's an update.......

1. 1Password version whatever is becoming increasingly cranky. It now crashes about half the time I search for a password. I need to replace it.
2. 1Password 6 doesn't seem nearly as good. The desktop app is all pretty but the browser integration doesn't seem very good and if I'm going to pay for something then it really better work.
3. Keepass looks great. I actually have to use it on a business PC and it's perfect. Unfortunately the Mac version is just horrid. Either I can insatll 2 different support libraries and then hope it works or go for the "stable" Mac version which doesn't allow me to save stuff. Even after I've used some PHP to convert data from the old version of 1P.

Any more suggestions? Looks like either I pay for a version of 1P that I don't really like of go with LastPass :(

Very odd. I’m a long time user of 1Password and never had a problem, mostly syncing to Dropbox as said above. I use it on a Mac mini (High Sierra), iPhone 6, iphone 7, several iPads (latest being Air2), Safari, Chrome, Firefox regularly on the Mac. Sorry to hear you have problems but my experience would lead me to believe there might be a fault with your set up or some odd incompatibility :(
So here's an update.......

1. 1Password version whatever is becoming increasingly cranky. It now crashes about half the time I search for a password. I need to replace it.
2. 1Password 6 doesn't seem nearly as good. The desktop app is all pretty but the browser integration doesn't seem very good and if I'm going to pay for something then it really better work.
3. Keepass looks great. I actually have to use it on a business PC and it's perfect. Unfortunately the Mac version is just horrid. Either I can insatll 2 different support libraries and then hope it works or go for the "stable" Mac version which doesn't allow me to save stuff. Even after I've used some PHP to convert data from the old version of 1P.

Any more suggestions? Looks like either I pay for a version of 1P that I don't really like of go with LastPass :(

No problems with 1Password for me. I find the browser integration to work perfectly.
Very odd. I’m a long time user of 1Password and never had a problem, mostly syncing to Dropbox as said above. I use it on a Mac mini (High Sierra), iPhone 6, iphone 7, several iPads (latest being Air2), Safari, Chrome, Firefox regularly on the Mac. Sorry to hear you have problems but my experience would lead me to believe there might be a fault with your set up or some odd incompatibility :(

You're probably right. I'm running 3.8.2 on High Sierra and Agile Bits say not to do that :) It may just be the v6 is sufficiently different from the version I've used for years that I'm struggling with it. Either way, they just dropped a version with "better Chrome integration" so I'll check that out.

KeePass does a portable version that you can mount on a USB. Can this be used on the Mac?

Edit: This may help

Thanks. It still involves installing Mono, this time on the USB. That seems a lot of overhead for a password app.
I'm running 3.8.2 on High Sierra
No wonder it is crashing.

v6 should be stable on HS, changed quite a bit from either v3-v4 or v4-v5 iirc, possibly even both.

If already paid up for 1password then I still think its the one to go for, I feel less inclined to recommend it at the annual subscription rates or the higher price they sell 1password for now. Got quite a few on Enpass which is free on the desktop and about £8 for an iOS or Android license, I don't think it's quite as good as 1password, but the pricing is a lot easier to swallow.
Thanks. I've tinkered with 1P 6 and it seems to be working properly now. I may well just buy that. $3 a month is about £30 a year which isn't terrible. I suppose I'd pay a one off of £50 for something really good.

I hadn't heard of Enpass though - it looks quite nice for the price.