Late evening Kingy. (Image added x3.)

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Taken in evening sunlight. All within a few hours of each other from the same spot.



3. Not so harsh.


5. I liked the colour pallet on this one.

Thanks for looking,

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The first shot's a beauty Mart - beautiful light too.

The second shot looks like the contrast was just too much too handle - nice pose though and good eye contact.
love #1, the eye just draws you in.
cracking set
Thanks Niall.

The first shot's a beauty Mart - beautiful light too.

The second shot looks like the contrast was just too much too handle - nice pose though and good eye contact.
Thanks Ced.
The 1st one was a bit of a grab, shot she took me by surprise.
I have a card full of shots like the 2nd one, so I had to try and rescue one.
awesome,simply awesome.
No 3 is the business - perfick!! :cool:
Great set Martin :clap: #1 is very atmospheric but aint a patch on #3 imo. Is it just me or do you find the 7D produces an overall better picture at low shutter speeds?
No4 is very nice too - but it's that diffused light on the water in No3 which makes it a bit special - quite beautiful! :cool:
Very nice Martin,i do agree with Ced about shot 2 but they are such lovely bird's it's hard to resist any kind of shot,good or bad light,

Thanks John.

Great set Martin :clap: #1 is very atmospheric but aint a patch on #3 imo. Is it just me or do you find the 7D produces an overall better picture at low shutter speeds?
Thanks Rich.
Its noty just you Rich. At slower shutter speeds I get a lot less noise. There is not much difference between iso100 and iso800. Maybe it because of the aperture or something. Any ideas anyone?

No4 is very nice too - but it's that diffused light on the water in No3 which makes it a bit special - quite beautiful! :cool:
Thanks again Ced.
It looks like the flickr mods agree with you on this one. The image got picked up by flickr Explore yesterday amongst all the crap that gets uploade daily.