Latest Look to critique!!

Just a few thoughts...

You need to make your contact details stand out more, i.e. on the bottom of every page, even if it's just a phone number or email addy.

Make the three images at the bottom of the home page clickable.

I can't read the edges of the last sentance because of the vignetting.

I want to be able to click the 'jmaxphotography' logo at the top and have it return me to the home page.

Hopefully they'll help increase the usability of the site, winning you more sales. :)

Cheers fella
As boring or unoriginal as it may be, sites are generally the same - we all expect certain rules to be applied faultlessly, and when they're not then that's when you'll know about it.
I'm just getting a little red x at the top left...
thanks for the feeback everyone.

ive changed the site slightly again, ive tried to link the images on the home page to the gallery, but i cant get it to work.

Can anyone suggest the code i could use to get this to work?? and please remember this is a flash site containing a flash gallery.

thanks in advance
If it's in Flash you will need the .fla file, and someone with a copy of the Flash Application (nice and pricey) to add some actionscript to the onPress function of the images on the homepage.
i have all the software and all the files, ive gone into the script and written in the images and made them active so they can be linked, but i dont know how to write it to link to a flash gallery :confused:
gotoandstop() or gotoandplay() are the functions I think, I don't have flash at home, so can't check it to be sure.
unfortunatly it didnt work so ive change the look of the home page, hopefully it works a bit better :confused:
well for me a general layout and working template, it does what it should, is simple enough to navigate. I like the fact you havent spoke about yourself in third person, or worse mixed first and third.

as for the logo, clear and well placed.
The photos speak for themselves, nice images and well taken.

I dont know what it did look like, but I do like it as it stands, there are always improvements to be made ;)