Layer Virgin

Edit My Images
I've used PS quite successfully for a number of years now but have had to use layers for anything! I think it's about time I did.
So. I have a signature on apsd layer (I think) and would like to place it ,scale it, move it around a bit and then combine the two when I'm happy.
Your task, should you accept it isto take me through (simply) the process.
Well. Should be easy enough.:bang: :bonk: :thinking::help:
Nice one - I'll be peering over your virtual shoulder as I have a similar requirement....
I use Paint Shop Pro so I'll leave someone else to help you out with this. :)
You are probably using layers without realising it. Dont see how you can survive otherwise...:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

Buy A BOOK is my advice!
Try this one... its great IMHO bookey linky thinky

Anyhow some basic info.. there is almost an infinite amount you can do here....

Hit F7 to bring up the layer pallet

As soon as you select something with a marqueeee tool (marching ants :exit: :exit: :exit: :exit: :exit: )
Then go CTRL-C (copy) , CTRL-V (paste)
You get a new layer.
Which you can then shift around as required with the move tool

Or you can duplicate a whole layer (drag a layer onto the copy layer icon) in the layer pallet. Then you can faff with blending etc..

There are several options for re-combining layers. To force everything in the background. Layers->flatten.

I could go on and on and on, but then I've got a real job to pretend to do
It's as confusing as Hell I know when you're trying to get into this stuff, but don't forget the 'Help' button usually gives you all the info you need too.

I was gonnna do a basic masks/layers 'Howto' but I'll admit to chickening out - it's a huge undertaking with lots of screenshots being required, so with Christmas coming along, that book which oldigt suggests isn't a bad idea. ;)
I was gonnna do a basic masks/layers 'Howto' but I'll admit to chickening out;)

After reading aforementioned book and playing in PS2 for several months I'm fully aware that I dont know everything that you can do in it. That includes layers...

After reading aforementioned book and playing in PS2 for several months I'm fully aware that I dont know everything that you can do in it..

I doubt if anyone really does... the possibilities are endless.

I can sympathise with people starting out - I remember sitting there thinking "WTF is a mask anyway?" :shrug:

If you can grasp what a mask is, what a layer is, and the difference between the two, you're well on your way to being able to tackle pretty well anything and work out your own problems.
If you want to complicate matters (not that we should), but hey I'm bored, so...

Then an alpha channel is also a mask...
Plus you can also create vector masks (pen tool) which arn't alpha channels, but can be converted into them.:shake: :thinking:

But if you are playing around with resizing layers you probably want to convert them to smart objects first...

... like CT and I know... it's endles..:shrug: :bang:

Best explained by someone who's paid to do it RTB :rules:
Well thenk you for all of that. Guess I had better figure it out for myself. TVM!
Another very good source of info for the PS beginner is the "Digital Photography" Mag (probably others too).

Each month they cover some different aspect of how PS works. Layers, Selections, Curves,.... etc.
They are not in depth, but give you a good clue/idea on where to start.

After about 10-12 months they repeat, but if you start at the right time and get a years subscription the "free" gift if you want it easily covers the cost of the Mag. I got a Lowe Trecker rucksack which I now use all the time.
I think the best advice I can give is play play play.

If you're not sure what something does, click it, see what effect it does. The more you play the more you learn in my experience.

As has been said it can be quite a steep learning curve.
Also, there is more than one way to skin a cat (so they say), and they also say there are loads of different ways of doing a job in Photoshop. There will rarely be just *one* way to accomplish a task, and naturally different people do things diffferent ways, so that might be something to bear in mind.

With layers, at first I found it hard to get my head around, and once I learned how they work, I couldn't understand why no one wrote an explanation in simple terms.

What is a layer?
Well remember the projectors at school, with acetates?. Think of those as layers.
You have your base image (called your "Background" layer by default in Photoshop), then you lay different "See through" acetates ontop, with different things on them.
If you look at your layers palette in photoshop, the lowermost on the list, is the lowermost on your projector, and you can also reorder them accordingly, by dragging them up and down the list.

So if you think of them as a pile of images (as they would be ontop of a projector) then I found that was the simplest way of thinking of layers.

Not the best of explanations I know but I hope it helps :)
I really do appreciate the advice. My previous work has been entirely with the production of a clean marketable image, ie. object removal, sharpening, colour balance and contrast etc.. Layers may have been doing stuff unbeknown to me. I am happy with the concept but just don't seem to be able to do what I want starting from where I am, ie with a picture open. All I am trying to do is put my real signature on the picture (ego). I have it on a psd file with the chequered background. But where to start is the problem!
Well if you like Sharkey, I can send you the action file I use to resize, sharpen, border and signature my shots?

If you like I can delete the resize and sharpening / bordering bits out of the action for you, leaving in the signature bit.
Your an absolute gentleman sir. Hopefully that will kick this creaking brain (ha) into action. TVVM