Learn how to make a website?

First tutorial has been written and is currently waiting for a mods approval in the Tutorial section of the forum. A link will be posted in this thread once the post has been approved.

How do I open my notepad document in my browser?

Sorry if this is a numpty question.
as long as it's saved as first.html then just right click it and open with--->firefox,chrome, internet explorer.
Cheers Peter, managed that now but the html codes still show up?
Just received the email and noticed the problem before I even opened it. When you've saved the file it's also saved it with the .txt extension at the end.

All you need to do is just right-click on the file an go to rename. remove the .txt part so it just reads first.html

In your head section you're also almost there. Where you have written shoots for fun this part needs to be between tags to tell the browser that it is your title. So should be written as <title>Shoots for Fun</title>

I've corrected this for you and pm'd you the correct version of your file.

It's also been uploaded and is visible at http://www.pgmdesign.co.uk/learninghtml/NigelPaul/first.html

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Cheers Peter.
After a bit of messing about I've cracked it, got the title to work, I couldnt figure it before but I hadn't included the title tags:bonk:. Thanks, looking forward to the next one.
After a bit of messing about I've cracked it, got the title to work, I couldnt figure it before but I hadn't included the title tags:bonk:. Thanks, looking forward to the next one.

Well done. Feel free to send it on through to my email and I'll upload it with everyones work, so all can see.
The .txt part would not go away in MS notepad. Downloaded notepad++ and works OK now.
The .txt part would not go away in MS notepad. Downloaded notepad++ and works OK now.

Glad you've managed to get it sorted. Hope the first tutorial is basic enough that everyone can join in without feeling swamped?

How is everyone that's tried it so far feeling about it?
Fantastic, just come back to check on this thread and see the first tutorial has gone up. I'll get started in just a few moments. Thanks for doing this Peter, it's really great of you!
Haha have a look at the W3C schools site as they can start you off with the basics too.
Right folks quick update and quite an important one.

Only really applies to mac users.

I've just found out that the textedit application for mac is pretty stupid and appears to make things even lazier for people by generating the code for you expecting you to just fill in the content. Which has already confused myself and another member.

So if you are using a mac and are baffled as to why yours isn't working I have updated the tutorial and suggest that you download textwrangler.

Hopefully that clears things up for anyone that is confused.
I'd love to know more about all this so joining in... thank you Peter, very generous of you to do this.

Hope you have lots of patience as I am a total noob!!

Just sent my first effort over (y)
just had ago at the first exercise and emailed it across, i hope i`ve got it right.
I'll get it uploaded tonight for you. Anyone else fancy getting involved. So far got about 10 members taking part.

Almost forgot about this, will look at doing my first part and getting it sent tonight,

Many thanks for doing this,

Just a quick update to let everyone know that I haven't forgotten about you all. Been a bit of a hectic weekend/week so no tutorial this week. I'll get the next one ready for launch on Sunday.

Sorry to disappoint those waiting.
Hi Peter!:)

Thanks ever so much for doing this! I had exams and that's why I'm late. I've just sent you my homework!

Looking forward to the next episode;)!
bumping this thread as i hope its not died and will carry on, understand if your busy breezer its not easy to keep up with things but would be great if this continues.
Just throwing this out here:

I always think it a bit strange people actually learning html/css and writing websites entirely by themselves. This is quite a steep learning curve for many people, especially when CMS', such as Joomla, can do half the work for you, and still produce extremely good looking websites at the end of it.

Personally, I've been creating, managing, and editing websites for about 9 years now (since I was 10), using many different types of development (starting with Dreamweaver & Template, fiddling with template's html, css, etc). We're now at the stage where a simple wordpress site with a decent free template can look good, so why bother to learn html if all you want to do is showcase your work?

Let the technology we have do most of it for you, and you can spend more time photographing what you love.

Just my 2 cents :)
Sorry folks. I haven't forgotten about you all. In fact the tutorial is nearly complete, I've just been pretty busy with lots of stuff going on here. Illness, preparing for moving home, teaching myself Java for going back to uni etc.

I will do my best to get the next part up as soon as possible.
Peter - your efforts are very much appreciated:)! You've taken on quite a big job; don't feel pressurized.

I know that teaching something is a good way of consolidating your own knowledge, and that's a main reason why I hope you continue with the tutorials. It'll be of great benefit to you, as well as us(y)!

For those who are keen to learn, I find Ross Shannon's site and tutorials very good:


All the best, and thank you loads;)!
beezer123 said:
Sorry folks. I haven't forgotten about you all. In fact the tutorial is nearly complete, I've just been pretty busy with lots of stuff going on here. Illness, preparing for moving home, teaching myself Java for going back to uni etc.

I will do my best to get the next part up as soon as possible.

Hope you're feeling better, mate.xx
Hope you're feeling better, mate.xx

Me too, Peter!

If it all got a bit much, I'm not surprised! It was quite an undertaking:eek:!

For anybody who's interested, Ross Shannon has some well-presented, comprehensible and extremely helpful tutorials on the basics (and more!) of HTML:

It's still in progress. Still got quite a bit going on just now so it's been put on the back burner a bit. I'll hopefully be picking it back up again soon, sorry to keep so many waiting.
A great idea Beezer, but I am not sure I can give it time to follow tutorials and even less sure about "homework" :)

I won't sign up, but if you post it for open viewing, I'll certainly read up on it whenever I can.
Defiantly interested in this :)

Many thanks.
i'm interested in this,had a go at lesson one and i think i got it,

cheers sean
I'll try to catch up from lesson 1 also
Appreciate your kind help and input

First assignemt sent
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Has this died a death or is it stilll active as I have not had a response to my email re the first assignment (as it were) or had a link to where our first efforts have been posted!!