LEE Stopper App

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Did a search and couldn't see it mentioned, so just in case someone finds it useful, Lee has released an app for calculating exposure with their stopper filters. Presumably it will work for other makes assuming all filters are equal? :)
It's mentioned on this page of the Lee website and is available for Apple and Android. I have no idea if it's any better than existing apps that do the same thing?
Certainly a very handy reference for me, very simple to use, even I can do it.
It looks ok but no different to one I currently use except it can only do the Lee 6, 10 and 15 stop filters. Hi tech filters come in 6,10,13 and 16 stop so the Lee calculator is really limited to their own type. If I had Lee little stopper, big stopper and super stopped I would probably use their calculator as it does exactly what you need.

The one I use from the App Store is LE Calculator. It can do all stops between 1 to 20 stops in increments of 1 (i.e. 1,2,3....18,19, 20) and has the timer beyond 30 seconds for bulb setting.

It's a shame the Lee calculator doesn't also have calculator their ND grads. It would be nice if they could have a calculator to select the right ND grad value to use.
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