Lens Cap - what to with it?

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Might be a silly question (but I will ask anyway):thinking:

What do people do with their Lens cap:

I used to use a cap keeper piece of elastic that keeps attached to the body - therefore I cannot lose it. Great but it annoys me rattling against body.

Or put it my pocket - being forgetful I can then never find it.

Any other bright ideas - please.
I was thinking of getting a couple of cap keepers but I have a tethered cap on my Lumix bridge and as you say, it can be a bit annoying.
I just tend to put it in my back pocket as a rule.
I keep it in my pocket when Im out and about. I have a UV filter on thats protecting the lens anyway
I'd buy a spare if you're anything like me. Always loosing the damn thing. Is it in my pocket, camera bag ( which one ?) It usually turns up as I've put it somewhere safe, only can't remember where :)
Always in the back pocket. One day I'll sit on a rock and break one I'm sure but I haven't lost one yet.
Back in the days, I used to have a sticky thingy that kept the lens cap dangling off the camera. Just annoyed me and got in the way. Now I just stick it in my pocket or in the camera bag. Worth having a spare, though, as has been said.
Get into the habit of always sticking it in the same pocket!

I do this with everything that goes in my pockets, phone in RH and wallet in the LH. Lens cap goes in my jacket pocket on my chest (with a lens cloth in there too!!) :LOL:
Being a vaguely organised chap, I tend to pop the cap in the same pocket every time - the top shirt pocket, beside my mobile 'phone.
I leave it in my camera bag and just keep a UV filter or hood on the lens. I've recently read that filters lower the IQ but did some tests on the w/end of the same subject with and without a filter and couldn't see any noticeable difference.

It does mean I occasionally drop the cap though, and they do seem prone to scratches etc around the edges but cheap enough to replace if it drops down a drain..
I am always losing mine. I tend to put it in my pocket if I'm out but when I am just shooting in the house I will take it off and just leave it then can never find it again.:wacky:
I used to have mine attached to elastic as well, annoyed me greatly so now it just goes in my pocket
I would be one of those people who would still have their mittens on a string down their sleeves if i could - with an attachment for my keys and reading glasses and mobile phone !!

I bought a cheap one off ebay which attaches to the strap - on a bit of string - but when i change lenses - i get in a terrible mess !
Being a vaguely organised chap, I tend to pop the cap in the same pocket every time - the top shirt pocket, beside my mobile 'phone.

I wish i was a vaguely organised chap !!! I would LOVE to be able to find things i had put down !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I put it in a pocket. I try to put it in my back, right pocket as a rule, but a lot of the time without thinking, I put it in a different one, which causes a lot of pocket groping at times..
I just chuck it in the bag, my lenses are always fitted with hoods on to protect the front element as much as reduce flare.
I bought my camera in June along with 2 lens. I've already lost 3 lens caps :bang:
Jessops for a replacement was £6.99 each :eek:
Anyone know where I can get them cheaper (canon fit).
I bought my camera in June along with 2 lens. I've already lost 3 lens caps :bang:
Jessops for a replacement was £6.99 each :eek:
Anyone know where I can get them cheaper (canon fit).

We got some on e-bay - FAR cheaper than £6.99, more like £1.50 or so I think. They even sell them with Canon across the front, but be aware that those are stickers so, if you have kids, you may as well buy a strip of sticker-letters and tell them it's good creative fun to emblazon the things for you! :D
Hang mine around my neck......... on a gold chain :p :LOL:
Hadn't thought of that, might be a tad uncomfortable though?
I try to wear something with pockets so I have somewhere to put it, but when out at dancing events in a little dress or my stretchy dancing trousers I have no pockets so it usually gets set on a table, or put in the camera bag - usually somewhere reasonably sensible but I can never remember where and I have to go and hunt for it.

Really should get and carry a spare!
Always in the section of the camera bag that the camera came out of or I would loose them the one time I didnt put it there I spent 20 minutes looking for it and it was on the table at a wedding next to the cake.

since then I bought 2 spare 77mm canon caps for the times when I may loose one and since putting them in the bag I have never needed them.
I can see it now, that scotish bird who owns ultimo doing an exclusive deal with jessops to sell the over the shoulder lens cap holder, perfect for both left handed and right handed photographers.

I'm not sure if the pink with lace frill will go down so well though
Lens cap? Always in left side of bra when not on lens...'seasy to find it then.

(potentially) lucky lens cap!

Left hand front pocket for me. Also anal enough to ALWAYS have iPhone in right pocket and wallet in left pocket