Lens collar for Nikon 300mm f/4 PF - Nikon RT-1, Kirk, or budget knock-off?

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I would like a collar for my Nikon 300mm f/4 PF, mainly for when I use it with a teleconverter.

The choices are Nikon's own RT-1 or Kirk's NC-300P, both the thick end of £200, or never-heard-of-the-brand i-Shoot RT-1 for twenty five quid on Amazon.

Any experience to share?
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I used a cheapie on mine occasionally and it was absolutley fine, hinged collar and holding screw ... not much to cost an extra £175 when you think about it! :)
I'm using the Kirk, but I do tend to fit Kirk fixtures to all my lenses. It does work well but as @gramps says the low cost one would most likely be fine!

This is the Kirk collar on D500/300mm f/4 PF/TC-14E III combo:


Any experience too share?

I have the Kirk, which I bought in preference to the Nikon to get the arca swiss base plate fitting. I also have an i-shoot panorama head and it appears to be well made and works smoothly. For £25.00 I would be tempted to give the i-shoot version a go. It's not a great loss if you decide to still go for the Kirk.
I have the Kirk, which I bought in preference to the Nikon to get the arca swiss base plate fitting. I also have an i-shoot panorama head and it appears to be well made and works smoothly. For £25.00 I would be tempted to give the i-shoot version a go. It's not a great loss if you decide to still go for the Kirk.

pretty great loss if it breaks and the gear falls.
Dunno, cheaper materials, poor manufacturing. Things are usually dirt cheap for a reason.
If you have handled the 300 PF you will know that it is extremely light ... the i-shoot collar no doubt has less finesse than a Kirk and possible the Nikon but it is perfectly able to support the lens fitted to a D850.
Some 'alternatives' to many things are well over-priced for what they are.
I have a i-shoot collar for my 300pf and I have no great worries about it. As gramps mentioned the lens is very light, so I have few worries. Recently purchased a RRS for my 500pf and whilst it is a lot nicer, I doubt it is really worth the ~£150 differential.
pretty great loss if it breaks and the gear falls.

Well, as I said the i-shoot panorama head seems well made and works smoothly, which given the OP had never heard of the make, I thought might be helpful, as an indicator of the likely quality. It's obviously up to the OP to assess the quality and risks when/if he has it in his hands.
I bought a chinese knock off Canon tripod collar for a 70-200 lens from Ebay. It wasn't the cheapest but they had sold lots of them. It looked almost identical to the correct Canon one, including a faux Canon box, but wasn't made to tight tolerances (you could still move the lens with it tightened down, and ultimately wasn't very good. I didn't really trust it.

I'm told other versions from other sellers were better, so if you go the ebay route, check out recommendations on specific items/sellers here - or hold out for a genuine one secondhand.