Lens for an Olympus E420

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Hi all.

I have had my E420 for a few months now, and currently i have the standard kit lens (17.5 - 45mm) and a Zuiko Digital 40 - 150mm.
Now, recently I took some pictures at a friends gig, and I found that the kit lens didnt cope too well with the extremely low light situations, so I am after a lens that would be better suited to low light situations.

I dont know a huge amount about lenses really, but from what I can gather I 'fast' prime lens would be suitable? I have seen a Sigma 30mm F1.4 EX DC Lens (HSM) lens for ~£270, which seems to be suitable and the reviews on the whole are pretty good.
What other lenses should i consider, preferably around that price range? I dont mind getting a used lens either.
I think the two obvious ones are the zukio 14-54mm and the 50-200mm.

would the 30mm be too wide for gigs? What sort of focal length are you actually using?

Depending on what/how you shoot the other option is an OM adapter and shoot manual with older OM glass. I've got the 510 with the same lenses as you. I've had some results that I'm quite pleased with from an OM 50mm f/1.8 with manual focus.
Well, at the gigs I would be using it at I can get right to the front, and in some instances actually get on stage. For the ones i have taken so far, I was using a focal length of around the 20-25mm mark as I was quite close.

How much would the older OM lens set me back roughly?
I think the two obvious ones are the zukio 14-54mm and the 50-200mm.

Both of these are F2.8 - 3.5, reasonably fast but not as fast as the sigma.
Saying that, at F1.8 the Sigma is gonna have a really shallow DOF but will obviously deal with low light slightly better when wide open.

Also the 50-200 is around £800 I think and the 14-54 around £400 !

I am considering the Sigma myself.
The 14-42 is only around £180 I think, but it only drops to a F3.5. I don't understand masses about lenses...but also having ordered my 420 today I think it's high time I learnt!
Both of these are F2.8 - 3.5, reasonably fast but not as fast as the sigma.
Saying that, at F1.8 the Sigma is gonna have a really shallow DOF but will obviously deal with low light slightly better when wide open.

Also the 50-200 is around £800 I think and the 14-54 around £400 !

I am considering the Sigma myself.

That much? :eek:
Bit out of my price range at the moment unfortunately!

The 14-42 is only around £180 I think, but it only drops to a F3.5. I don't understand masses about lenses...but also having ordered my 420 today I think it's high time I learnt!

It is, but that lens is very similar to the 17.5-45mm kit lens which is also F3.5.

I love the 420, I found it much easier to use than a Canon or Nikon personally, and I managed to get some decent shots for a beginner!
well the 14-54mm seems to come in a little under £300 (new) from various people on fleabay or £200+ used. Either way not miles away from the sigma although as you say not so fast.
I got my OM 50mm for £15, although the better primes are heading towards £100+

I was thinking shooting from a distance rather than near/on stage.

edit: the 14-42 is around £100 new but seems to be half that on ebay - loads around because they were kit lenses.

There is the zukio 25mm pancake and the 35mm f/2 but I've never looked at prices for those.
The pankcake's between 150 & 200, but a work mate of mine bought one of these and he says it's the best money he's ever spent.

I've been looking around on eBay, but it puts me off a bit that there's very few people listing actual Olympus lenses, they all seem to be no-namers.
OK, thanks.

If I was to go for the 14-54mm, I could get rid of my 17.5-45mm kit lens as well which would bring it down to the same sort of price as the Sigma.
I have heard mixed reviews about the pancake lens, i'll have to look into that one in more detail i think.

I suppose a better question would be what would be more suited to close up gig work and other low light situations - the sigma or the 14-54mm?

Not sure what happens with duty/tax on stuff (used) from canada, but there is http://forum.fourthirdsphoto.com/showthread.php?t=39713 sigma 24mm f/1.8 for $270

same forum shows a 14-54 for us$380 inc shipping.

If it was marked as a gift you can get it through customs avoiding extra fee's, but there is a pretty high chance of getting slapped with import tax. Still, that could work out to be pretty cheap.
If the focal length is what you need then the sigma is faster - no argument. Quick google says you can get it from £250.

I'm not sure what the effective focal lenght would be on a 4/3 camera though - it looks like the same lens is sold on all differnt mounts - wouldnt the sensor size crop factor have an impact ? (I'm very vague on that stuff)
Well, assuming that the factor is still 2.0x(?) 30mm should be around where I want as I was using around the 20-25mm mark using the kit lens.

If only places did 'try before you buy' eh!
distance selling regs?