lens for golden eagle shoot

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My wife kindly bought a photography day with a falconer, but I'm wondering if the 70-200 is long enough on a full frame.

I have contacted him but he's yet to reply, but given handling experience days seem to be his main thing with the photography day hidden away under offers I'd guess its something he's just branching out into.
My favorite bird!

The 70-200 should be long enough as they do not fly the birds super high and he will probably work around you.

This was taken at 195mm:

Good luck - please post some pics once you are done as would be great too see pics. That lens is on my wish list.
It's only the sigma 2.8 macro, but still very good, but yep, I'll be sure to, just got to find a time to go, but with it open until November I'm sure I'll find a slot :)
Well, at last I got round to booking - going on Thursday :)

I've since got the 150-500 OS too so I may take that just to weigh me down!
Have a good day today and make sure you put some pics up. I had a 70-200 on my 5D3 recently and got some great bird shots but the 150-500 will do brilliantly as well. The 150-500 and 70-200 are my most used lenses at the moment.

Here's a shot of an eagle I got while it was still in the pen. Sadly I didn't get to see this one fly but did see a Peregrine Falcon and Spotted Owl out and about.

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Cheers, I do think I'll take both, it'll weigh a tonne though!
It's next Thursday by the way.
Well, todays the day... and I've a cold and its raining... gotta laugh :)
You'll forget the weather and your cold once you get started with the Eagle
Have fun and I'm not jealous..................honest :p
You should of gone last week lol, the weather was far better then.

Seriously John, have a terriffic day with the birds. I'm looking forward to seeing some of the results later and, as Ingrid says, you'll forget your cold when you get shooting.
Well, just got back and it was excellent - despite the rain!

Sadly I still cannot shoot for ***** anything that moves - no idea why, 1 in 10 roughly - I had a great time though.
Practice, practice, practice is what gets you there (y)
What lens did you use, personally I still have problems with the 150/500 on fast moving birds, they go out of the frame far too quickly :LOL:
But my hit rate is getting better and I even caught an in flight drafonfly the other day
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lol, its the 150-500 and gratz on the fly they can be a pain :)

It would be interesting to know how these things can be improved though - AI Servo, back focus and finger on it all the time during flight, releasing only to try and recapture focus when it looses it.

I tried all sorts of focus types too, spot, assisted, large area, all very hit and miss - I'm beginning to wonder if the 150-500 just can't cope :(

EDIT: Although I tried all sorts of modes I didn't try AF case 4 - which it seems is the one I most likly would have wanted - theres a great guide on the AF here.
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Thats a nice shot - I'll be posting a few from today in a few minutes.
I'm really liking the last 2 photos John, the 3rd one especially and the eye contact in the first is excellent. The detail you've got in the 3rd shot (in full res on Flickr it's fantastic) around the eye and the raindrops on the feathers is great. The 150-500 does take a while to get used to but it'll track almost anything when you do.

I'm liking the re-enactment photos on your Flickr as well, the angles you've got it most of them don't show anything 21st century which is always a good thing for those type of shots. A bit like fences in zoo's etc.
Thanks very much :)

I really do have to get to grips with birds in flight again - it was just odd, it simply would not lock on sometimes - just zoom in then out then nothing and thats a long time when the birds flying for just a few seconds.

As you mention the re-enactment shots I do try to either not have anything modern in shot or crop it out, for me it spoils the feel of it.
Just edited this one (posted in the birds section) but it sort of follows on from here too so please excuse posting it twice.

Dark Skye by magsnorton, on Flickr