Lens trouble

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Ok, my canon EOS1n has stopped working when I use my 35-70mm lens, when I press the shutter the mirror flips up and stays there, and 'bc' flashes on the LCD. If I switch off and back on mirror flips back down and all is well until I press the shutter again.
The EOS1n works perfectly with my other lenses, and the 35-70mm works fine on other cameras :thinking: :shrug:

Any Ideas anyone?

Edit: Also have tried a new battery.
I think bc means battery charge (or check), if so it seems odd if it works with other lenses. Have you tried cleaning the connections on the lens in case its not getting enough power?
"BC" is the EOS film body version of the DSLR Err 99.....it's what the body displays when it can't think of anything better to say.

Just as a quick check, can you try again with the 35-70 side wide open (max aperture) and see what happens?


Edit....forgot to add, do you have a grip of either kind installed?
No grip installed, tried at f3.5 and it worked, and now seems to be working ok :shrug:

Cheers for replies
I suspect that the aperture blades may be sticky on the lens. The 40D can provide a little more power than the EOS1 (un-gripped) and that's probably why it worked okay. Testing wide open means that there's no stop down to shoot and hence why it worked.
It wouldn't be a surprise if the symptoms re-appeared in the future.

Cheers for the info. Suppose I better hurry up and find a PB-E1 then!
Get shut and buy a camera that works.........:naughty:
Seriously,the threads that have appeared about non functioning Canon bodies is quite alarming to say the least.
Get shut and buy a camera that works.........:naughty:
Seriously,the threads that have appeared about non functioning Canon bodies is quite alarming to say the least.

In this case Ade, it's most likely to be an aging lens having an off day. The batteries in Canon's film bodies don't quite have the uumph that the DSLR batteries are capable of.

Bob, I very nearly spewed my Nikon gear,simply for the the better range of Canon lenses.But Tony`s problems with his body and others made me have a rethink.
Bob, I very nearly spewed my Nikon gear,simply for the the better range of Canon lenses.But Tony`s problems with his body and others made me have a rethink.

Could it be that there are simply far more Canon than Nikon owners on TP, hence more chance of seeing threads about faulty Canon gear :shrug:
No idea Graham,but I figured that I can`t use the stuff I have, so no point changing to other gear that I can`t use..........:)
Bob, I very nearly spewed my Nikon gear,simply for the the better range of Canon lenses.But Tony`s problems with his body and others made me have a rethink.

Bear in mind that this body/lens combination could be 15 years old.

Yup it's old alright, and was only £30, but it does take a pretty decent photo :D
Yup it's old alright, and was only £30, but it does take a pretty decent photo :D

You got a bit of a bargain there. The 1n was the 1Ds of its day and I'd classify the Eos-3 as the 5D.

Why have I got the sudden urge to buy a roll of film :thinking:.....it'll pass.
