Let's see some sunrise and sunset shots

Here's one off the Fuji X100 from last night.

"Sunset THAT way > "

Don't think I've posted these, some random ones from the past year or so.

Sunset in Tenerife, found a semi decent spot on the small beach at Los Gigantes where the waves were coming in over the foreground rock and the last 10 minutes of sun gave some really nice golden light.

Los Gigantes by James Hastie, on Flickr

Don't often do sunrises but as I'd gone to Tenerife on a photo week I managed to drag myself out of bed twice, helped that sunrises here are around 7am even in the summer :)

Montaña Roja Sunrise by James Hastie, on Flickr

Quite heavy vignetting but that was due to stacking two ND grads on the lens, never got round to reuploading it after I fixed it.

El Médano by James Hastie, on Flickr

One sunset from closer to home last summer, due to the crop rotation here you sometimes have to wait a couple of years to get the wheat fields, this was looking to be a wasted journey as there was heavy cloud in front of the sun, luckily it came through a break in it for 30 seconds to light up the field and windmill.

Chesterton Windmill Sunset by James Hastie, on Flickr

Lulworth Cove at sunrise, I'd driven here from the midlands for 3 hours that morning, not having been here before I wasn't sure where to go but found this nice group of rocks in the cove to shoot, the sunrise was a bit muted but the sun broke through a bit.

First Light by James Hastie, on Flickr

Broadway tower in the Cotswolds, spent far too many nights here doing startrails, this is one of the evenings I went and the sunset actually produced something nice.

Sunset Over Broadway by James Hastie, on Flickr
Thats a nice shot
Parker455, don't beat yourself up. The clarity of the water and reflections through my eyes is super.
All round, some spectacular images.