Critique leveret hiding

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Day is coming to an end this is my last image before attempting an ext change ,the lights gone but not knowing quite what is possible with the tools,I guess one gives it a shot. Much to my disbelief fellla stayed put whiile I removed an ext an insane thing to do,lying in a field ,I'm not in a hide tallest cover is inches hey ho:). I stuffed it all up at the end by one simple jerk of a movement as I raised the lens,fatigue maybe,but yeah:rolleyes: that did it. :D It's hard to put into words there's bit of a predator prey spell going on here,as long as I don't do anything rash we'll pretty much sit here a while,but one slip with ears this low and fella is gone. If it hadn't of been for that one jerk then it's likely the leveret would relax . I find them fascinating it's that simple fact that they are built to run from everything and yet with a bit of time and care one can lie in a field with them with a stupidly loud camera, I still find that nutz !!

i've spent some time on this one playing in post but again it's an insane iso 25600 1/2000 f8 I'm very much exploring this isn't or wasn't the best way to attempt this frame for my gear ,I don't really need 800mm should have had the exts off completely !!! But it's fascinating exploring these tools. . it's low res jpeg shot in RAW worked on in DPP nr colour then tried to keep that really soft lighting feel so basically in pscc I've done little bar more selective NR and sharps. . I didn't really want to alter any of the tonality. really at all oh I've been using canons AWB the ambiance setting it feels really close but if you can a colour cast I'd love to know

. Tis real frustating, :banghead: the spot is fabulous being so low in cover at the mo, bkgs have huge potential, we are right up high so it's a banging spot for the last light and this little guys is a corker, I could scream.....fella gives me the giggles,all digits crossed for a sunset or two at the weekend. Most of the hares we make images of are in places where for what ever reason don't get the late sun a vally thick belts of trees lie of the land need a bit o luck and no COD :)D cloud of death)

_S2I9856 smj late kidlet hiding by Stuart Philpott, on Flickr

cheers for the 'elp along the way guys

That've done it again Stu. Well, I think you have - I'm looking on the rubbish laptop screen at the moment. I'll look on the desktop tomorrow. It's very 'arty' (are we allowed to use that word?) with the muted minimal background. The only crit I'd have is it would be good to have a bit less space on the right and a bit more behind the hare. It looks so mellowed out. What I see in the eye is a calm kindness, almost no wariness, though there was nothing wrong with its instincts when you spooked it.
Janny ,I'd love to hear what you think when viewed on the better screen. thanks for the thoughts. You can use that "art" word,principally because it's part of my name but only here:D. In all honesty I have no idea what makes an image arty Jan ,as always it's very kind and as always I'll end up pondering your words. What really seems to be appealing to me is the DOF of this 800mm combo plus that low pov..I really like the colour pallette

Jan we made a couple or three hundred frames over the two soties,obviously many to bin,but this little spot is fantastic at the mo,I need to try and show you more,really. Oh framing yes agree again completely,you can see why I get frustrated,I just don't read the edges of frame quite well enough. Active FP is smack on the eye,I just should have chosen the one directly to the right and that would have sorted it. .

I so hope we can go again and get in on something at sunset. There is what I believe to be a young male,with a complete hole in his ear,I spent an hour or so with him and we were joined by a rather lovely red lady. He was so curious of me and also off the wall silly. I wish I could have videoed him dancing around this big red lass she reared up to box but he was too much of a baby for all that,ears all ways dancing around her it was really funny. to watch the interactions

Must dash mate thanks ever so much:)

What a picture!!

Viewing on a calibrated display. wonderful colours, beautifully muted palate.
Very well captured. I admire your dedication to capturing these creatures.
Trevor thank you. The colour note is also lovely,I'm not calibrated,I should be.. My monitor has to be very close,but it's another step that I need to address. and be completely exact on.

It's not really dedication, it might be an addiction,it's too much fun(elbows and old bones excepting).:D Trev they give me such a bewildering variety of images.,I think that's why i'm not tiring of them.,I also feel they have been the most fantastic asset to push me forwards as a wanna be wild life image maker.. I've always loved them trev when I got me little 550D and started this journey a picture of a hare,smack in center no thought to light comp or anything much was my little dream . They've given me an education mate(on going) I'm so lucky to have had this chance. .

Kind words Trevor thank you, It's funny isn't it the grey is something I just don't yearn to make images in. Yet that soft soft light does give the most beautiful colour pallette to an image ,funny old world !!

Lovely Stu, just lovely. I'm with Jan on the framing, just a squidge more behind but I see your reasons too. (y) I pondered the long stalk of dead shrub and should it stay or should it go, but nah, I think it should stay, it was there. I'm so glad you didn't alter the tones, they're bang on for the time I think. That nuts iso number, isn't it incredible what modern cameras can do? I'm still exploring mine, I've been upto 3200 lately and it's just so clean.

Once again, a lovely image, really like it just the way it is.
Finally managed to get to my desktop and I stand by everything I said. It's a lovely, lovely image. A credit to your hard work and dedication. I think I've said that to Den before but it's true for both of you.
Great shot Stu. I love the colour and as Russ says that eye set the whole shot off. Well done mate.
Love leverets. Don't come across them very often but they are so innocent that you can get quite close if being careful.

This is very nice, Stu, but the framing is too far to the left. If it hadn't been for the OOF grass, it would be visually uncomfortable with the bum touching the frame.
Folks thanks for all the lovely words, too kind !! I agree completely on framing. The kidlet is too far left .

I guess the good thing is these hares know I am coming,because I make images early so the hare gets used to the shutter racket. I have more ,sure leveret slightly smaller in frame,but essentially an identical image just a tad wider don't need cropping but better framing. . The framing again is my weakness and needs honing.,but I have a get out of jail card for once with this little fella

Guys I'm incredibly lucky to be able to use these amazing tools,sure I'm a working guy and getting them has been no easy road. These latest sensors are rediculous,for me the jump of two gens of 1series body was about low light performance and getting a 2x to work dare I say properly.

I wanted to reply to all your kind words last night but was a complete wreck. I'd essentially got envolved in a 300yard crawl with some roe and munties at dusk. The same base senario as the above image very little light iso maxed I'm almost trying for an image when there should be little hope of anything half acceptable IQ wise but the new body gives one hope. There is a degradation in IQ that maybe does not show on a "small web image" but for me this new sensor throws the rule book away. regarding high iso and how the files react when processing . It's going to take a while getting my head around it all. what I'm working toward is a knowledge base of what this camera can't do , Sooner or later i'll be in a situation where I'll need that knowledge
Sadly I only have one chance now ,ie later today at this leveret, we went yesterday but the rape regeneration has been sprayed I made no images bar some in the dark deer. It was sort of humbling all digits crossed for later. Leveret is there though bless !!

Des this year has been very extreme,we haven't seen anything like the numbers of leverets this year, the extrmeme weather maybe is why this fella has been born so late,but I'm also still seeing courting and did last year till around Aug,so i'm unsure how late this little one is.. Haha mate, I get close to lots of hares, not just ickle ones...... they like me:whistle::D To funny I also shot a fella stretching head on,just after we last spoke,I thought of you at the time.

Dale get that camera on the spadgers ini the dark ramp the iso and explore. 3200 is nothing for these sensors. it's worth having a play(y)

Janny bless ya for coming back, with the note on the better screen . You've said it to both of us ,it's incredibly flattering. for me Jan, because I think so highly of Den's knowledge and body of photographic work.

Russ John thanks lads,it always gets me how I can see the sun behind the clouds in an eye reflection makes me smile wryly at what might have been No complaints though different light gives different chances for us to try and make the best of.

thanks guys

Am a bit late to the party on this but being a big fan of Hares myself thought you wouldn't mind, nicely caught with the all important eye detail
Am a bit late to the party on this but being a big fan of Hares myself thought you wouldn't mind, nicely caught with the all important eye detail

Paul i'm always willing to waffle to someone who'll listen;):D about hares,your comments are most welcome . They are an obsession that's for sure,I simply don't seem to tire of them or trying to find a new way(to me at least) of capturing them. Paul i welcome crit,i don't think we've spoken before be as honest as you like mate I'm pretty laid back don't go flipping out:LOL: but do like to hear what others see:) not just the kind stuff !1

