Light Painting Cars

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Now the darker evenings have arrived. I'm thinking about having a go at this.
Looking for recommendations please for a budget light to use. I looked at the forum but the post I located dates back a few years and so things will probably have changed since then
When I had a play with this I just used an LED head for my AD200 so I expect an LED video light would do the job.
Thanks for that. Any idea what size / output I should be looking at ?
I had some fun with a cheap B&M strip light (I think it's intention is to go behind your TV?) Anyway I stuck it to a broom handle with a celataped powerbank to the bottom.
I know mine isn't all that great but something to consider? Only £8... RGB colours too.

I had some fun with a cheap B&M strip light (I think it's intention is to go behind your TV?) Anyway I stuck it to a broom handle with a celataped powerbank to the bottom.
I know mine isn't all that great but something to consider? Only £8... RGB colours too.

Looks great. I guess this is definitely an area where technique trumps gear !