Light Painting with strobes - Abandoned trains

Adam Swords
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I took a trip out to a place near my house that has a whole load of abandoned trains and carriages.
It was originally due to be a museum, but the funding never came and the trains are now left to rot.
I have a photoshoot planned here in a few weeks with a model, so I wanteed to spec out the area first and have a go at some light painting while I was at it.
I used an SB24 and simply adjusted the power output and beam spread and ran around the train during the 30 second exposure popping the flash here and there.

I intend to go back down with the gels and try a few different variations with coloured lighting in the near future.

I'd love to hear your comments and criticism :)

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Absolutely love the first one.

Not sure the second one does it for me.

Please do more!
The first one is fantastic.
You have done really well with the lighting.
It probably could have done with a tad more in the foreground though.

I'd go with the first being my fave of the two. I think you've done a brilliant job of getting a great balance of light across the frame. Not at all easy.

Have you ever heard of a photographer called O. Winston Link? Now there was a bloke that did some madly ambitious things with trains and flashes.
I'd go with the first being my fave of the two. I think you've done a brilliant job of getting a great balance of light across the frame. Not at all easy.

Have you ever heard of a photographer called O. Winston Link? Now there was a bloke that did some madly ambitious things with trains and flashes.

Thanks :)
I've not heard of him, no - I'm going to take a look now, thank you for the heads up!
They are super images ... (y) ... almost look like they're moving ... :cautious: ... at British Rail pace of course ... :D

First one is lovely. I really like your concept here, think it could be something worth trying with other things too...
:agree: Nice to see something different. 2 really good shots with the lighting adding great atmosphere particularly in no 1 (y)
I remember a fellow with flashes and trains but not sure if it was the one referred to here. In any case I really like these and can see great potential for your forthcoming model shoot.
I love the open flash technique - these are nicely done. (y)
They're really cool, where exactly are they? I wouldn't mind going and taking a few shots myself!
That first shot is a belter!! (y) Keep meaning to try stuff like this around here, but with churches etc. Gonna deffo have to get my ass in gear now, and now I have a standard to aim for :p
Both really good, but #1 is excellent :)