Lighting a group outside?

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Scenario is on the fly shot of a bunch of people maybe 10 could be as mad as 30 outside the front of a house. No time or not allowed to use lightstands etc.

I have 2 x 430 EXII with the PW FlexTT5 so I'm thinking both of these in same zone on TTL, get as far back as I can at 55 (on a 7D) one 430 on camera pointing forward slightly right the other held pointing slighty left if it's just me, If I can get someone to hold either flash then they stand equidistant either side of me flash pointing forward held up pointing down at crowd.

Maybe the best of a bad situation bit I can't use any modifiers, I can't bounce etc, How far can you sensibly throw a 430 straight, would I need to zoom them or would it narrow the beam too much, thoughts?
Calzor Suzay said:
Scenario is on the fly shot of a bunch of people maybe 10 could be as mad as 30 outside the front of a house. No time or not allowed to use lightstands etc.

I have 2 x 430 EXII with the PW FlexTT5 so I'm thinking both of these in same zone on TTL, get as far back as I can at 55 (on a 7D) one 430 on camera pointing forward slightly right the other held pointing slighty left if it's just me, If I can get someone to hold either flash then they stand equidistant either side of me flash pointing forward held up pointing down at crowd.

Maybe the best of a bad situation bit I can't use any modifiers, I can't bounce etc, How far can you sensibly throw a 430 straight, would I need to zoom them or would it narrow the beam too much, thoughts?

Put both speedlights on one stand to double your output if you have to, shoot through brolly on a monopod held by assistant. Get them to point light off centre from the side so it lights the group evenly. What I mean us strongest part travels further to allow for falloff and group closer to light get the feathered edge. Much quicker that messing with multiple lights if your in a hurry.

An extra speedlight in your hotshoe for fill would be nice, maybe you can get away with one off camera.

If worried about this technique just use flatter lighting near camera position, use a step ladder and light and shoot down onto the group. Easier to evenly light everyone this way.

EDIT: sorry read and answered your post on a phone and thought you were asking how to light a large group outside at night. Why cant you use modifiers? Not sure how powerful your speedlights are but Ive seen plenty of images taken using them outdoors with good results. Heres a link to a video by David Ziser that will explain what I mean better, you might still find it useful, he uses a quantum flash off camera but you should still get enough light from your speedlight depending on ambient light levels, or use two as I mentioned earlier.
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Thanks I'll have a look at the video (blocked at work).

It's more of a hit and run shoot than a staged shot, partly as It'll only be me unless someone doing nothing is standing by I can rope in to hold a flash or two etc, It's partly a security thing (not that I shouldn't be there I'll have permission etc), I'm thinking as far back as I can sensibly get so with the inverse square law thang the light hitting the group should be the same front to back. Didn't think of a step ladder, probably won't be able to lug it around but could come is useful, thanks :)
An issue you may have with bare flashes is that you may end up with shadows on the faces of people at the rear of the group. If possible get your 'voice activated lightstands' to hold them as high as you can.

Personally, I'd try and use ambient to give your base exposure, and use the flashes to 'lift' the picture a bit (filling in racoon eyes). This should reduce concerns about flash power (especially if shooting in the middle of the day).

A good trick is to get the flash on the right to aim toward the centre-left of the group and the flash on the left at centre-right of the group, it helps reduce 'hotspots' that way (unless you're a ghostbuster)

Just keep your fingers crossed for a nice overcast day to act as your softbox!
Good tip on the flash crossing, I would of aimed the left for centre left and vice versa for the right. No worries about crossing the beams here :)