Lightpainting Toys?

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I'm looking to do more light painting and wondered what kind of light sources folk would suggest?

So far I have played with light up bouncy balls, a light saber and some plain old LED keyrings.

Something that smoothly changes colours would be good - open to ideas!
Well possible the ultimate is the rather expensive V24 LED Lenser (7 colour) that do come up used from time to time but they are rather expensive :) trust me I've got 2 of them :LOL:

Other really useful tools are LED Christmas lights that are battery powered you can use them to make all sorts of light painting tools

A quality torch is great with a set of strong colour gels for lighting up areas you need a torch that can be focussed for accurate painting
I just bought a bunch of glowsticks to mess around with whilst the weather is being non compliant, i have a few ideas on what i want to do which is most likely going to result in me glowing various colours for a while after!