Lightroom Help

Edit My Images

Spent some of the afternoon importing my image library into Lightroom. Have to say I am really liking it, so easy to find images i would otherwise spend ages locating. I do however have a couple of questions.......

If i create a folder for example called "Comp Images", then stick all my comp photos in there, then i decide to make some child folders of the "comp images" folder......say for example "landscape" and "sport". Then i want to move all the landscape and sport images out of "comp images" into the two relevant child folders i created, so that they no longer reside in the "comp images" folder, how do i do this??

Help would be much appreciated :thinking:
Probably the easiest way to do it would be to delete them from the Lightroom Library, move them to the correct folders then re-add them.
Ended up doing this Messiah Khan's way. Worked fine although a little annoying to have to do it that way every time! :)
Why not export them into the right folders in the first place?

Once i ended up removing them from lightroom as per abaove post i have tweaked the folder structure (y)

Thanks for your help :)

Also just to confirm does everyone else have a rather long Folder list in lightroom?? I have 45 seperate folders !!
You can just go to your grid view, have your folder list open on the left, and just drag them over as you would in Windows Explorer!
95 at the moment.:)

Ive got 1 per day of the days I take photos. So in theory I could end up with a max of 365 folders per year. My folders are named like;

2007-07-27 - Low Barns
2007-07-29 - Sunderland Airshow
2007-08-04 - Bughunt
2007-08-07 - Scarborough

etc etc.

You can just go to your grid view, have your folder list open on the left, and just drag them over as you would in Windows Explorer!

Didn't know you could do that. Doesn't suprise me though as Lightroom is great. :)
Once i ended up removing them from lightroom as per abaove post i have tweaked the folder structure (y)

Thanks for your help :)

Also just to confirm does everyone else have a rather long Folder list in lightroom?? I have 45 seperate folders !!

Sort of.

My folder structure is

Year / 00.00 Shoot Name

so a shoot from today would be in the 2007 folder, and the folder would be called 10.14 Walk in the park

like this

I see, thats pretty damn organised Marcel, i have done similar but have got shoot name then date. Right i have now imported all my images into lightroom, 15.8 gigs worth, a total of 4794 photos! Didnt realise i had so many.
I notice now in the my pictures folder i have a lightroom folder containing backups, lightroom catalog previews.irdata and lightroom catalogue.ircat.

Im assuming that if i want to backup lightroom the lightroom folder plus contents needs to be saved. I have imported all my images from location, so they are just indexed within lightroom rather than fully inside lightroom if you see what i mean.
I just name the folders like that, so I can easily sort them by name in Explorer and they are already in order ;)
I just name the folders like that, so I can easily sort them by name in Explorer and they are already in order ;)

Fair enough. May change mine around, will see how it goes.

Another question for you knowledgable people, after reading a little more in lightroom, it seems it uses a non destructive method of editing the images, im guessing this is done by building up layers? or just lots of copies of the same image depending on how much you edit. If i then export an image to photoshop for editing, which is a permanent edit, what happens to the edits in LR? Do i just end up with a single edit of what i have done in ps?
If i then export an image to photoshop for editing, which is a permanent edit, what happens to the edits in LR? Do i just end up with a single edit of what i have done in ps?

Any edits in LR are just stored as a list of changes of how you got from the starting values to the current values. If you look at the history panel in develop you can see all of them. If you clear the history panel you are basically saying "forget how I got to these values but use them as a new starting point" - even then you can still apply the Import snapshot to get back to the start.

When you edit an image in Photoshop LR creates a new image which has all the changes permanently applied - the same as when you export an image. LR will "stack" the edited image with the original RAW file so they stay together in the library, etc. Edit in Photoshop is really just automating the process of export, running Photoshop and stacking the images in LR.
Any edits in LR are just stored as a list of changes of how you got from the starting values to the current values. If you look at the history panel in develop you can see all of them. If you clear the history panel you are basically saying "forget how I got to these values but use them as a new starting point" - even then you can still apply the Import snapshot to get back to the start.

When you edit an image in Photoshop LR creates a new image which has all the changes permanently applied - the same as when you export an image. LR will "stack" the edited image with the original RAW file so they stay together in the library, etc. Edit in Photoshop is really just automating the process of export, running Photoshop and stacking the images in LR.

Nice one pxl8, that pretty much answers my question (y)
I name my imports like you Marcel.. but have a job when I have mixed shots in one import. A few bugs, some birds... some landscapes etc.

Any ideas? just leave it as a dated folder with no name?
Then I'd call it

19.10 Some birds, bugs and landscapes :D

I name my imports like you Marcel.. but have a job when I have mixed shots in one import. A few bugs, some birds... some landscapes etc.

Any ideas? just leave it as a dated folder with no name?

That's when collections and keywords come in useful. Keyword the images and/or add them to collections of similar subject matter then you can do searches based on keyword/date/etc.