Lightroom Library problem

Jeremy Moore
Edit My Images
I've had this before but it has reared its ugly head again. In Library mode, LR will only display the first photo in a folder, no matter which one you click on. If you go to develop you can click on any file and it will appear and you can work on it.. However if you then try export a file from Develop, , it appears to go back to Library first, because the file that is exported is the first one in the folder!

I've tried optimising the catalogue but no joy. Anything else I could try?
Is it to do with your selection? i.e. when your selected (highlighted as light gray on the filmstip) image is exported, the selection jumps to another image? Is there just one image in your selection? Reason I ask is because if you select multiple, but have a "parent" selected, you can work with the selected "children" and the "parent" will be exported. Tends to only happen in Loupe view in the Library module. Doubt it's this though.

When it "goes back to the library first" does it show grid or loupe view? Are you working on the files as soon as you've imported, because as default behaviour, LR auto selects all the images with the first as a "parent" if you don't deselect everything (CTRL+D)

Does "turn it off and on again" (restarting Lightroom) fix the issue or is it a permanent problem? I've had issues with selections before and they've always been cleared by restarting Lightroom.
Maybe I should try restarting......why didn't I think of that before! If that doesn't work I'll come back to your other suggestions. Diolch yn Fawr.

It is a recurrent goes away for a while and then comes back again. I must admit I rarely actually turn LR off.

Screenshot 2022-01-28 130136.jpg

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