Liliana Shoot

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Had a superb time at Serenity Studios on Tuesday night shooting the fabulous Liliana.

Here is one of my faves from the shoot, as always click on the image to see it in a larger format .

Hope you like it

a little bit dark round the eyes rae, otherwise a stunning picture. love the hair. mike.
I like the idea, I like the minimal look and can see a lot of potential here but I think the lighting isn't set quite as it could be. The model is leaning towards the main light burning her forehead, lighting her face but getting progressively darker the further down her body you go.
You would have been better off lighting her full length from the left of camera so that she was lit consistently and used a fill for her face. which would have helped with the dark eyes too.
Please forgive me if this is not the kind of critique that I should be giving. It is only my opinion and it is aimed to help not hurt. As I said it is just an opinion and just like an ******** everyone has one. My opinion isn't worth diddly squat.
Hi Guys,
thanks for posting your opinion of the shadow . I was intentionally trying to see if it worked but I don't think it does now.

Below is another shot from that session.

Well bringing your lighting down to a lower angle has certainly evened up the fall off that you had previously. This is a much better lit image than the previous one and works really well against the black wall. I particularly like the fact that you have retained the detail in the wall. It gives the image a whole different narrative than it would have by just being set against a black nothing nothing. Nicely done.
Cheers guys for the feedback as always it's appreciated.
As regards Liliana, she was superb to work with .
Love the second one. This game is funny one day you think a photograph is fantastic and the next day you realise it doesn't quite work. The eye on the first is dark and distracting but we live and learn and move on.
love that 2nd pic
So true Adam and it is one I'm going to work on again so thanks again for the critique as they have helped .