Little and (very) large crocs.

Wow that big one does look....err, big! were you in a boat taking these?

You certainly seem to have packed a lot in on your Costa Rica trip, it looks a fabulous destination.
Wow that big one does look....err, big! were you in a boat taking these?

You certainly seem to have packed a lot in on your Costa Rica trip, it looks a fabulous destination.

Yes, we were on an inflatable raft when these were taken.

As far as the country is concerned, I would go back there tomorrow!! It really is awesome.
RAFT ??? !!!
I think it would be a close match between his bite and your hull.
I'd still be worried in an Ice-breaker with that look.
Seriously good shots though.
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what did you do to the second one? he doesn't look happy. hope it was a big boat.

Crocodiles, being cold blooded are unable to maintain a constant body temperature and rely on the warmth of their environment/sun to do so. The behavior shown in the second shot is a classic example of them regulating their body temperature, which they do rather efficiently. The head is small when compared to the rest of the body so they open their mouth which allows their brain to cool by evaporative cooling while the rest of the body continues to heat up.