Wild Little owl in some late evening January sun

Very nice...
Beautiful light and as good as your Little Owl images usually are - You have set a benchmark!

I particularly like the expression on the first image - It's almost begging for a caption and looks as if he knows you well (which he/she probably does!).
FFS! that is quite enough!
Yes Bill it seems that it is only you that gets your sense of humour,
which is your defence when pulled up.
No its not funny.
This is not the first time either that you have used "humour" as a defence for having a little dig around the forum.

Den, don't bite so hard either Eh?
Just ignore him or hit the RTM button.

Thread tidied and hopefully now you will put each other on the ignore list and do us all a favour.
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Lovely pics, I love owls but wouldnt have a clue how to find and capture images of them (apart from the zoo :))

How far aware from it were you and what kind of lens did you use?
Colour really does enhance the bird :)
Lovely pics, I love owls but wouldnt have a clue how to find and capture images of them (apart from the zoo :))

How far aware from it were you and what kind of lens did you use?
i, sorry about the late reply, i use a canon300m f4 and the 400mm 5.6 i can usualy get to within 30 ft or les sometimes
More great light like your Kestrel pic the other day :) Makes for superb colours on the bird and in the bokeh

It could almost be summer hehe
It's been said already but I really like the tone and the background colours on these!