Liverpool beginning at dusk

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A few more from Tuesday night




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1 is ok but not straight and to be honest i find the other two noisy and over bearing.

The canal one should have a kodak photo point plaque installed.

Its becoming the grassy knoll outside the house of commons....
1 is ok but not straight and to be honest i find the other two noisy and over bearing.

Excellent just the sort of thing I'm looking for (y) I hadn't noticed a slant on 1 but now you mention it... Consider it corrected.

The canal one should have a kodak photo point plaque installed.

Its becoming the grassy knoll outside the house of commons....

Not sure what I can do about this though :shrug:
i like these a lot number 2 for me
I'm usually not one for HDR but these are really cool. I love the reflections
Ooof. First is nice and I was just around the corner trying to do the same with the new museum. Didn't get as nice light though. I find the 2nd is really very busy and too high contrast. Its a good angle though. The 3rd is also kinda nice, composotion wise. I might be borrowing that :D But I find the processing is just a bit too heavy.
i love them, i take it you used a tripod?

i am looking to get out in liverpool at night but i find myself slightly nervous, need to get past it th0 i know! might go tomorrow :s
Don't be nervous. This time of year is great because dusk is at 4-5pm. Its safe. Its summer when its 10pm and the only people out are ones getting drunk.
here is a hint for a photo, if you go to clayton square shopping centre and exit towards the train station, on the right is abbey national, and down the back of it are icicles forming from a broken down spout.

i dont want a credit, get your skates on bulb. After that do central cafe behind primark then grab a nice hot chocolate in the new chocolate cellar opposite gostins.


im heading off into liverpool today

plan of action, jessops try a ball head then out and maybe pick up a nifty fifty then out for walkies with camera and tripod, dunno what i want to shoot will try just wing it when i get there never shot b4 gunna have to try settings out as i go along

will post what i come away with if they goodish

Ooof. First is nice and I was just around the corner trying to do the same with the new museum. Didn't get as nice light though. I find the 2nd is really very busy and too high contrast. Its a good angle though. The 3rd is also kinda nice, composotion wise. I might be borrowing that :D But I find the processing is just a bit too heavy.

Agree about the busy-ness. I took another without all the steps in the foreground...

didn't get a lot of interest though :shrug:

High contrast? Well, perhaps, but it works for me ;) Heavy processing noted (y) To tell the truth it's probably me trying to make up for missing most of the best light :bonk:

Appreciate the comments folks :)

#13 - nothing to worry about. All the interesting light is well before 7 anyway and as Pete says there are plenty of shoppers still around then.