Liverpool - The Transition

I dunno. Its got lights that are quite high in it. I think one cat fight is enough for tonight.

The shot works well in B/W on the red channel too. (y)
Pete babe - you do some amazing work - which often is great - you are an undisputed master of the HDR genre too :clap:

You also produce some work which I think is crap considering your obvious talent & professional status

You take negative crit really badly - but are often free in giving it, which often hurts others

You appear to 'hate' my work as a shooter of kids as it's not something you wish to do - and that's fine, no honestly it is, but you seem to love to score 'points' over it - and then wonder why Dellipher and I reciprocate on occasion

You've insulted me no end on TP - and never replied to my pms when I've asked why

So come on m8 - have a pop on occasion, but expect it back too sometimes

Cheers, without malice, dislike or intent


personally its the converging verticals that ruin this image for me. i know there isnt much you can do about them, they just irritate the hell out of me, hence i don't take pics of building. The colours are great though :)

i also apears to me that every time i click on a thread these days someone is having a go at Pete. whats that about?
Pete babe - you do some amazing work - which often is great - you are an undisputed master of the HDR genre too :clap:

Flattery woo yay ¬_¬

You also produce some work which I think is crap considering your obvious talent & professional status

Ditto. Would be stupid to assume that pros are on their game for every single image ever taken ever.

You take negative crit really badly - but are often free in giving it, which often hurts others

I just explained why.

So come on m8 - have a pop on occasion, but expect it back too sometimes

In the spirit of that...

And I don't mean this in any way to be derogatory...

In the Amateur world we often question if any such 'error' is indeed an error - in that the tog just may have done something wrong

Whereas in the Pro world we accept that the image is as intended because we believe all Pro's should know what they are doing, so we can focus on appreciating & liking/disliking it as an image, rather than looking for errors

Poppity pop pop :p
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Well i like it, its a very striking image for sure. As you have said its always going to be a task to control the exposure of some of the very bright subjects in the image due to the length of the exposure.

Very nice though. Also i agree with the previous poster about putting up your spiders web image from your blog !
Pointless Post Removed - please keep comments on the photograph
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pointless post removed..

keep it real dude....get rid of the rest of the *******s if your gonna delete mine
pointless post removed..

keep it real dude....get rid of the rest of the *******s if your gonna delete mine

They were having a discussion which has now finished (hopefully), you post are neither part of that discussion, useful or in any way relevant.
Also... I know people opinions count for crap around here and as for a Proud Geordie i can say what i want about Liverpool...

It is in no way a nicer city than Newcastle. and Newcastle should have won the capital of culture IMO..
Torquerevs your contribution to this thread is approx Sod All, so why not clear off out of it now and comment on some photos. Any more from you in this thread and you wont be reading it again for 24 hours
Torquerevs your contribution to this thread is approx Sod All, so why not clear off out of it now and comment on some photos. Any more from you in this thread and you wont be reading it again for 24 hours

You were definately Bullied as a kid.....

But youve showed em now :clap:

Im off to view some photos (y)
Also... I know people opinions count for crap around here and as for a Proud Geordie i can say what i want about Liverpool...

It is in no way a nicer city than Newcastle. and Newcastle should have won the capital of culture IMO..

I'm not even from Liverpool. I'm from Wirral. I've spent a lot of time there though in my life and I call it home. To say that a city that didn't win should have won it over a city that just put on a simply incredible capital of culture year that I'm betting you saw nothing about is bloody stupid of you. It would be like me saying that I hate your car. I don't even know if you drive or have a car but I hate it.

The President of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso, hailed the year as one of "the most successful" programmes staged by a city.

Every child in Liverpool's schools - around 67,000 youngsters- took part in a cultural activity during 2008.

A total of 7,000 events featuring around 10,000 artists were staged in Merseyside to coincide with the European Capital of Culture year.

Thats no mean feet. I spent the entire year documenting it. I know just how amazing it was. Where were you?
Overall I really like this image. Yeah it might not be to everyones tastes, some may say that there are technical issues, it is over the top, but I thought photography was about pushing the limits, trying new things, stimulating another persons reactions and opinions - I would love to see this entered into a competition at a stuffy camera club, with an 70 year old judge - It would be hilarious!!

Liverpool has just finished the 08 Capital of Culture, we've had mechanical spiders hung from building and running amok through the streets , multicoloured monuments of half animals and half fruit scattered around the city and I think this image sums up the madness and amazing year the city has just had - Bravo it's ace
Jesus, I need to go watch a month of Eastenders to restore the balance in my brain right now. This thread got NAAAAASTY :)

Anyway, the image, I love the sky. And I am indifferent about the blown highlights. Like the colours in the building.

This has got to be one of the most heated threads for a long time.


I do mostly lurk, but through the lurking I’ve noticed a definite following of Pete who just seem to do nothing but complain and moan about his work or anything he posts, i don't get it. It's like all the Xbox fan boys, as soon as someone posts anything about a PS3 they'll jump on them, except in this case its one guy and a group of others!

Referring back to the earlier comment where Dave compared Pete's shot to the one Pacef posted, they’re two totally different shots shot with differing intentions. Pete’s image has a massive initial impact, as soon as you see the picture it slaps you across the face and yes it does have blown highlights, but who says you have to stick to the sodding rules all the time, if we did everything would be BORING. The one Pacef posted really doesn’t have any wow factor. It’s a boring, conventionally composed image with really un-dramatic lighting and even cuts off half of one of the main subjects?

It amazes me still, Pete’s one of the best photographers on this forum and one of the most accomplished yet people still strive to drive him away from the board. It’s ridiculous.
As a photo it has faults....loads of them. As an image I think it's fantastic:clap:

Why, I can make a hat or a brooch or a pterodactyl...

Put me out of my misery Pete....Airplane? :shrug:
Collect your payment on your way out jonny:LOL:(just a joke, no offence meant)

hi pete, the image does hit you as soon as you look, but their is a bit too much blown highlights at the bottom that i find distracting.

what pp work you done to this if you dont mind sharing as it is certainly different from the stuff i seen before.
It's not even that, i've seen his work for years over at OcUK and then here, i just don't like watching people who've been around half the time he has thinking they can run around the internet trashing any threads that he posts. I know it'd **** me off if i was in that situation.
As a photo it has faults....loads of them. As an image I think it's fantastic:clap:

Put me out of my misery Pete....Airplane? :shrug:

yup, classic...

'jonny, what do you make of this??...'
Jonny - you get it all the time, no matter what you shoot. Obviously.
The more experieced do get it worse. If you dont like a shot you shall be free to say you dont like a shot, and for what reasons. That is as good opinion of why you took the shot in the first place surely? :shrug:
I do mostly lurk, but through the lurking I’ve noticed a definite following of Pete who just seem to do nothing but complain and moan about his work or anything he posts, i don't get it. It's like all the Xbox fan boys, as soon as someone posts anything about a PS3 they'll jump on them, except in this case its one guy and a group of others!

Referring back to the earlier comment where Dave compared Pete's shot to the one Pacef posted, they’re two totally different shots shot with differing intentions. Pete’s image has a massive initial impact, as soon as you see the picture it slaps you across the face and yes it does have blown highlights, but who says you have to stick to the sodding rules all the time, if we did everything would be BORING. The one Pacef posted really doesn’t have any wow factor. It’s a boring, conventionally composed image with really un-dramatic lighting and even cuts off half of one of the main subjects?

It amazes me still, Pete’s one of the best photographers on this forum and one of the most accomplished yet people still strive to drive him away from the board. It’s ridiculous.

Cheers dude :) They are 2 different images. I wanted a dramatic powerful sky to add drama to the scene. Amazing buildings and so much colour. I wanted that edge. I have plenty of other shots and I said in the opening post that I did. Different styles, angles n such. I just thought this was the one with the most wow factor and posted it first.

Put me out of my misery Pete....Airplane? :shrug:


Collect your payment on your way out jonny:LOL:(just a joke, no offence meant)

hi pete, the image does hit you as soon as you look, but their is a bit too much blown highlights at the bottom that i find distracting.

what pp work you done to this if you dont mind sharing as it is certainly different from the stuff i seen before.

I do agree that the right hand side is a bit bright. Said it on irc and here :) I might have a play when I'm in a better mood. As for processing just some tweaks in Lightroom. Curves, blacks, fill light, some local adjustments here n there.
I'll put my foot in the don't like it camp.

The sky is dynamic so that's OK, but the buildings have bad converging verticals, and the blue and white in the lower left is too much and pulls the eye away from the rest of the image

IMHO it is way too colourful with far too many blown highlights also nothing seems to be in focus.

I think this photo as mentioned in the tread if far better of a similar view
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I want to like it but it's just a bit too garish for me. It's not like you Pete as I do like a great deal of your work and have posted as such on various threads. Maybe when I've seen the 'played with when you're in the mood' image, I may appreciate it more.
I've produced many photos with bad converging angles and what not. I personally don't see it as an issue. I could fix it but it would crop the image. Now to do a Matt Sayle. Its in todays paper. Ner ner. Before anyone jumps up n down I am completely aware that it means entirely nothing. Just fun to go ner :p

Who needs soaps after reading all of this..

And for the record I quite like the shot, so what if its not everyones cup of tea, I still like it :)
For my 2p's worth I like it. Fair enough, it may have it's technical faults, but in total agreement with an earlier post, as an image of the event I think it hits the spot (and if you think this has got some bad converging angles you should see some of mine).
I'm fairly sure the 14-24 handles distortion better than the 10-20 does.
Yeah, The thing I found with the resticted acess around the area (with the amount of people) it was difficult to get far enough back from the buildings to get them all in without cropping a building in half. I was down the other end of the font at the Liver Building end, looks like you had much better forground at your end :) Was that press access that got you out past the crowds?
Press access was in front of the ferry terminal. I decided not to go there. Instead I waited for 4 hours by the museum to get my spot for this photo.
Press access was in front of the ferry terminal. I decided not to go there. Instead I waited for 4 hours by the museum to get my spot for this photo.

Good dedication :) I didn't get my act together on the day, and by the time I made it down there were already masses of people at the end, and no chance to get any decent angles back to the buildings.