Living Below The Line _ Rhody now doing it

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I thought I would post pictures of my challenge to Live Below the Line this week. That means I can only spend £1 a day for food and drink, for 5 days. I bought my shopping to last me through the challenge and this is it.

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Sue, i read about this just today in our local paper.. its a very worthy cause and a big (y) to you doing it....seriously that doesn't look much. I couldn't live on Tescos own brands... and i'm not trying to be funny there. The article highlighted the Sally Army's work abroad.

Blimey, respect. Couldn't live on that, but then I do have a physically demandiing job so I need lot's of calories. :}
I'm sorry, but this is just an utterly ridiculous "challenge" to be involved in. What exactly are you proving by lining the pockets of Tesco with your £5 for a week's food? A company which ...

- Pays some employees in Bangladesh as little as 7p per hour and pays the AVERAGE worker £19.16 - which is less than half the living wage (Oneworld)
- Have had workers in factoris in Bangladesh also beaten for not working quickly enough (No Sweat / Sunday Mirror)
- Pays as little as 13p per hour to workers in Sri Lanka
- Pays fruit pickers as little as 38p per hour (Action Aid)
- Pays banana plantation workers 1p for every £1 of product Tesco sell plus a fee per quarter to be paid per supplying site which means some small suppliers are barely breaking even (FoE)

... not to mention all the damage Tesco have done to the UK farming industry, all while racking up £3.8 BILLION profit (or £10 MILLION profit PER DAY) on the tag line "Every little counts".

By supporting Tesco you're doing nothing but making a mockery of the people that very same company are forcing into poverty in the first place!!!!!!
Sue, i read about this just today in our local paper.. its a very worthy cause and a big (y) to you doing it....seriously that doesn't look much. I couldn't live on Tescos own brands... and i'm not trying to be funny there. The article highlighted the Sally Army's work abroad.



Blimey, respect. Couldn't live on that, but then I do have a physically demandiing job so I need lot's of calories. :}

Thank you. I am just a retired lady so a bit less food wont hurt me.

I'm sorry, but this is just an utterly ridiculous "challenge" to be involved in. What exactly are you proving by lining the pockets of Tesco with your £5 for a week's food? A company which ...

- Pays some employees in Bangladesh as little as 7p per hour and pays the AVERAGE worker £19.16 - which is less than half the living wage (Oneworld)
- Have had workers in factoris in Bangladesh also beaten for not working quickly enough (No Sweat / Sunday Mirror)
- Pays as little as 13p per hour to workers in Sri Lanka
- Pays fruit pickers as little as 38p per hour (Action Aid)
- Pays banana plantation workers 1p for every £1 of product Tesco sell plus a fee per quarter to be paid per supplying site which means some small suppliers are barely breaking even (FoE)

... not to mention all the damage Tesco have done to the UK farming industry, all while racking up £3.8 BILLION profit (or £10 MILLION profit PER DAY) on the tag line "Every little counts".

By supporting Tesco you're doing nothing but making a mockery of the people that very same company are forcing into poverty in the first place!!!!!!

Spending a couple of pound in Tesco's might help towards their profits in a very small way but through the challenge I am raising a lot of money for Christian Aid which will go towards building schools for children in poor countries. I am also raising a lot of awareness of the number of people(1.4 blillion) who live in poverty and have to live on less than £1 per day.I am even providing you with the opportunity to flag up the type of business Tesco are.I have got people thinking and talking.
I'm sorry, but this is just an utterly ridiculous "challenge" to be involved in. What exactly are you proving by lining the pockets of Tesco with your £5 for a week's food? A company which ...

- Pays some employees in Bangladesh as little as 7p per hour and pays the AVERAGE worker £19.16 - which is less than half the living wage (Oneworld)
- Have had workers in factoris in Bangladesh also beaten for not working quickly enough (No Sweat / Sunday Mirror)
- Pays as little as 13p per hour to workers in Sri Lanka
- Pays fruit pickers as little as 38p per hour (Action Aid)
- Pays banana plantation workers 1p for every £1 of product Tesco sell plus a fee per quarter to be paid per supplying site which means some small suppliers are barely breaking even (FoE)

... not to mention all the damage Tesco have done to the UK farming industry, all while racking up £3.8 BILLION profit (or £10 MILLION profit PER DAY) on the tag line "Every little counts".

By supporting Tesco you're doing nothing but making a mockery of the people that very same company are forcing into poverty in the first place!!!!!!

Babs...even your informative rant is wasted on me too...Sue is supporting a worthy cause... send your post in a letter to your MP raise this awareness elsewhere..somewhere it can make a difference..i know Tescos is a scrouge on our own economy as well as the wider world....the destroy town centres by building large stores on the outskirts so people drive to the shops where they can buy anything and everything....sometimes Trashco have ruined areas that you can only shop at their store...

Spread the word elsewhere... that we need to stop buying from the giant that rapes the land in the name of profit... they are just as bad as the banks...but we're all small fry..

Sue.. go for it... but..i'm not saying ignore Babs...
I'm sorry, but this is just an utterly ridiculous "challenge" to be involved in. What exactly are you proving by lining the pockets of Tesco with your £5 for a week's food? A company which ...

- Pays some employees in Bangladesh as little as 7p per hour and pays the AVERAGE worker £19.16 - which is less than half the living wage (Oneworld)
- Have had workers in factoris in Bangladesh also beaten for not working quickly enough (No Sweat / Sunday Mirror)
- Pays as little as 13p per hour to workers in Sri Lanka
- Pays fruit pickers as little as 38p per hour (Action Aid)
- Pays banana plantation workers 1p for every £1 of product Tesco sell plus a fee per quarter to be paid per supplying site which means some small suppliers are barely breaking even (FoE)

... not to mention all the damage Tesco have done to the UK farming industry, all while racking up £3.8 BILLION profit (or £10 MILLION profit PER DAY) on the tag line "Every little counts".

By supporting Tesco you're doing nothing but making a mockery of the people that very same company are forcing into poverty in the first place!!!!!!

Or you could look at this as £50-£100 less spent with Tesco this week (or any other supermarket as their buying practices are not disimilar) !

And you have completely missed the point of this challenge - it's not a protest it's a fund raiser for a charity unconnected to retail purchase !!

Do you also resent giving to Comic Relief because the stars who perform are multi-millionaires racking up income from record sales/appearances/self-advertising ?
P.s go for it Sue and look forward to seeing some pics of what you create during the week :)
Do you also resent giving to Comic Relief because the stars who perform are multi-millionaires racking up income from record sales/appearances/self-advertising ?

watch out defiance...thats too much of a good example there.... (y)
Well the minutes are ticking down. I think I'll go to bed before midnight then I wont notice I'm on LBTL until tomorrow morning.

Thanks for all the messages of support. I will take photos of the food I make- banana pancakes for breakfast.
sue i have a genuine interest now.. could you send links to receipes if poss as well... the pancakes sound appealing. (y)
Fair play Sue. Be interesting to perhaps see some self portraits as the week goes on?

Nice one Babs or is that Millie Tant from VIZ? Stick it to the man and stick it to your sister whilst your at it.
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sue i have a genuine interest now.. could you send links to receipes if poss as well... the pancakes sound appealing. (y)

Well they are nothing special and are made with the cheapest ingredients, and I can tell the difference. Anyway....

Banana pancakes for 1 person

4 oz plain flour
1/4 pint milk
1 egg
1 banana
small piece of butter

Beat flour egg and milk together. Mash banana. Put a piece of the butter in a frypan and heat it up. Add about a third of your mixture to the pan and swirl it round. Cook for a couple of minutes then turn over the pancake and cook on the other side. Put pancake on a plate and put some of the mashed banana in it and fold it in half. The mixture will make 2 or 3 good sized pancakes.You will need to put a bit more butter in the pan each time.
Fair play Sue. Be interesting to perhaps see some self portraits as the week goes on?

Nice one Babs or is that Millie Tant from VIZ? Stick it to the man and stick it to your sister whilst your at it.

I dont think I will look too different but I will see if I can set one up- I havent used the remote control thingy before.Thank you for your very kind support. Today I just took a picture of one of my home made scones.

4 oz Self Raising flour
1 oz butter
2 or 3 fliud ounces of milk
pinch of salt

Rub the butter into the flour until it looks like fine breadcrumbs. Add the milk and make into a soft sticky dough. Roll out to about 1/2 inch thick on a floured surface. Cut into rounds and place on a greased baking tray. Cook at number 7 gas for about 12- 15 minutes.

These are very basic scones and would be much nicer with an ounce of sultanas added but I couldnt buy them on my budget.This recipe is really only for one person as it only makes about 4 scones.
Sue thanks for the receipes and photos...i'm feeling hungry now.

Somthing that has been niggling me slightly and thismight be where babs 'could' have been coming from.

You, and others, are living on £5 worth of food bought in this country...yet surely these people that the project is based upon live on £5 worth of food ... food bought/purchased in bulk by charities, so no packaging like we are charged for, so seemingly more food for their £5. It still wouldn't be enough... but does this highlight that we are still in a throw away soceity and that maybe we should go back to the tupperware days of storage box refills.. i noticed that supermarkets are stocking milk in bags, not bottles so far less packaging which you empty into your own jug container... ??

blame early mornings for this thought for the day.... (y) half way there Sue..think it's scones for dessert tonight :)
Good on you Sue!!! I'll be watching this thread with great interest, good luck x
Sue thanks for the receipes and photos...i'm feeling hungry now.

Somthing that has been niggling me slightly and thismight be where babs 'could' have been coming from.

You, and others, are living on £5 worth of food bought in this country...yet surely these people that the project is based upon live on £5 worth of food ... food bought/purchased in bulk by charities, so no packaging like we are charged for, so seemingly more food for their £5. It still wouldn't be enough... but does this highlight that we are still in a throw away soceity and that maybe we should go back to the tupperware days of storage box refills.. i noticed that supermarkets are stocking milk in bags, not bottles so far less packaging which you empty into your own jug container... ??

blame early mornings for this thought for the day.... (y) half way there Sue..think it's scones for dessert tonight :)

Kev. Someone at the Global Pverty Initiative worked out that £1 is the equivalent of what 1.4 billion people live on each day for food and other expenses. So as mine only includes food and drink, they are actually worse off.I am sure that many people in this world dont eat as well as I have done this week.I havent been hungry. The diet I have had is not too unhealthy either but rather boring and I have had to cook more than I would have done normally.

I am sure that you are right about us having to pay for wrapping here and it does seem silly as I can still remember , when I was a child, that we bought a lot more stuff in our own containers. I am told that when my dad managed a grocery store and I was very little I used to sit on the floor catching the drips that came from the honey jar.
Kev. Someone at the Global Pverty Initiative worked out that £1 is the equivalent of what 1.4 billion people live on each day for food and other expenses. So as mine only includes food and drink, they are actually worse off.I am sure that many people in this world dont eat as well as I have done this week.I havent been hungry. The diet I have had is not too unhealthy either but rather boring and I have had to cook more than I would have done normally.


i know i did the Green lane diet for 3 days... not once was i hungry yet i ate hardly anything... day 4 Sue.. good going. (y)

i still aim to make those scones this week... :)
This reminds me of an article recently to see if a family of four can survive on £50 food shopping per week. I guess for some this isn't a question.

To be honest I'm not sure you would look diferent. I was thinking from my own perspective and how moody I would increasingly look as the days passed.

Oh and nice scones Sue!
This reminds me of an article recently to see if a family of four can survive on £50 food shopping per week. I guess for some this isn't a question.

To be honest I'm not sure you would look diferent. I was thinking from my own perspective and how moody I would increasingly look as the days passed.

Oh and nice scones Sue!

Brian, I'm sure that some people do have to feed a family of 4 on £50 per week in this country. It wouldnt be impossible. I think I probably managed on the equivalent when my kids were small. I would suggest shepherds pie, vegetable stew with dumplings, egg and chips, liver and onions in gravy,fish fingers,peas and potatoes, pasta and sauce with mushrooms, and steak and kidney pie, as the dinners. Cornflakes and milk for breakfast and jam or marmite sandwiches for lunch, homemade scones and bananas and cheap biscuits as fillers, with coffee and cheap squash. I think you could do that for £50.

I'm not feeling too moody on the challenge but then I am not hungry either.
Well done for raising awareness on the challenge Sue and for your dedication to see it through.

I admire what you are doing here.
Well done on your challenge, great work! As a family of five, we compromise every week on some of the luxuries we have food wise, and some days we have 'quick' meals.

As for people ranting about the likes of TESCO, get a life! Apart from the fact that it detracts from the original thread starter, maybe you should consider all the main supermarkets are as bad as each other, and indeed a lot of the big corporate retail companies are just as bad... You think things are any different in the world of DIY for instance, yet I wonder where you spend your time at weekends looking for paint and wallpaper!

Sadly it's a reflection of society today, and can only change by people voting with their feet - I don't see much of that happening in an opposing way at my local supermarket!
Great idea, and well done to you.

I love the shot of the buttered bread roll - really good detail and excellent use of DOF.

Well done on both the photography and your charitable cause (y)

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Well done for raising awareness on the challenge Sue and for your dedication to see it through.

I admire what you are doing here.

Thank you. I am hoping to get the local radio to do something today but they havent got back to me yet.

Well done on your challenge, great work! As a family of five, we compromise every week on some of the luxuries we have food wise, and some days we have 'quick' meals.

As for people ranting about the likes of TESCO, get a life! Apart from the fact that it detracts from the original thread starter, maybe you should consider all the main supermarkets are as bad as each other, and indeed a lot of the big corporate retail companies are just as bad... You think things are any different in the world of DIY for instance, yet I wonder where you spend your time at weekends looking for paint and wallpaper!

Sadly it's a reflection of society today, and can only change by people voting with their feet - I don't see much of that happening in an opposing way at my local supermarket!

I dont think we will be able to get rid of supermarkets and go back to local grocers but we can keep them on their toes to be fair to our farmers and growers as well as suppliers from overseas. There is a campaign at the moment to make sure that the big companies pay the taxes they should in poor countries. We can all write to our MPs to get the government on to this.
I personally use tesco's every week because I am disabled and they deliver to me. Their delivery people are always very helpful too and if I am not happy with anything I can send it back.I cant say I am a great lover of big companies like them because I know that they drive down the prices paid to farmers but they are reasonable and convenient.

Great idea, and well done to you.

I love the shot of the buttered bread roll - really good detail and excellent use of DOF.

Well done on both the photography and your charitable cause (y)


Thanks Patrick. Its been good combiningthe photography with the challenge and I am hoping that the local paper may use some of my pictures.
Well its day 5, the last day for me of Living Below the Line. Here is a photo of last night's dinner, which was jacket potato, baked beans and a fried egg. It was yummy and I have the same to look forward to tonight.


I have a couple of scones for lunch which I made yesterday. I will be glad to have something different to drink tomorrow. I am still missing my coffee more than anything.
Nice going Sue
Congrats (y)

I even got boys on top :)

Sorry :coat:
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as much as that thing called the internet hates her ... to quote Rebecca Black.. "its friday friday.. sue made it to friday..!!!" :D artist licence i think..

One of my bargains for the challenge was 6 lovely big fresh eggs for only 50p from this place at the side of the road, out in the countryside near my home. I called at the house to see if they had any and they went and collected them for me from the henhouse.I will enjoy my last one tonight with beans and jacket potato.

This reminds me of an article recently to see if a family of four can survive on £50 food shopping per week. I guess for some this isn't a question.

To be honest I'm not sure you would look diferent. I was thinking from my own perspective and how moody I would increasingly look as the days passed.

Oh and nice scones Sue!

Well I have kept cheerful all week so no miserable photos. However I have taken my first self portrait ( using my remote control and my tripod) with me saying "Cheers" to all my supporters on here. There is still plenty of time for anyone to sponsor me or, if you feel the urge, I understand that it is still possible to do the 5 day challenge, living below the line for 5 days any time in May.


Please feel free to critique my first self portrait but remember I'm 60 this month and think of the saying about silk purses and sows ears.:LOL:
Well I finished the challenge and to celebrate I made myself my favourite cake- coffee walnut sponge. I had a big slice of it for lunch. I am going to visit a friend tomorrow so will take some to her or I will eat the lot and put on about a stone!:)

I am going to visit a friend tomorrow so will take some to her or I will eat the lot and put on about a stone!:)

Eat the lot you deserve it Sue :clap: