South-East England Locations For Fungi/Mushroom Photography - UK

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Morning all,
Firstly i will say that I know it's not 'mushroom' season yet.

I am still seeing plenty of images from people, showing the fungi that they've come across.

I've been out a few times over the last few weeks, scouring the local(ish) woods to find some, and just not finding a thing.

So, my questions are (and i'm sure there will be mor that I miss):
1) Are there better conditions at this time of the year, that produce specimens?
2) Are there better types of woods that produce them, as mainly around here, it's Pine forests, which don't seem to have anything?

And maybe, if there is anyone in the South East (i'm in Aldershot), that can recommend places to try, close to me, through experience, all the better.

T.I.A. all
I'm certainly no expert, but my best finds tend to be shady old woods, fallen trees and church yards, and now and again dry sandy soil. No idea if this is the norm, I'm not out looking for them, just lucky finds.
Time wise I seem to find them from about march till sept ish.
Theres bound to be someone on here who knows all about them though.
Later in the year is better, but I still find them in my local woods. I think you get attuned to finding them, as I rarely noticed them before, but no I always do and I am sure that they have always been there.
Was out again early on Sunday morning and found zilch..... I must be the unluckiest bloke ever!

I think i'll give it a few months and wait for the 'proper' time, so I don't keep dissapointing myself