Lomo Konstruktor

I've wanted one since I first saw it but just haven't had the spare cash yet... mind you, if I had spare cash, it'd be going on fabs zorki rather than the konstruktor :LOL:
I bought one of these and as a kit its great but I found as a camera it was just too hit or miss .. not my style of photography. If its just the cheap camera your after consider spending your money on Feabay for an old 50's film camera
I have just finished building mine, the quality of parts is great in most areas, I have not yet put film in it but am thinking the forward winding mechanism will be a bit of a pain! I love just looking down at the viewfinder.

For note, I also just built http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00DSJY0K6/ref=oh_details_o02_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and for £6.99 I have to say it was a bargin. You have to 'build' more yourself and the quality is very good, again not had chance to use it yet though.

If it is just for something to do then I would recommend one just for the fun of it and being something different to do.

Im not expecting much out of these in terms of quality but will put a film in each just for the fun of it. I am far too impatient to wait around for developing so will just keep to my stack of instant film and Polaroids!
I've made the tlr, and a 3d pinhole camera, which oddly had a cap that let in some light :-(
partway through rolls on each
fun and satisfying to build
there's a compact style one too
Fine if you want it for the building, but will be pretty useless as a camera. Fixed aperture and shutter speed (f/10, 1/80) greatly limit it's usefulness. If even one of them was adjustable it'd have a lot more mileage for shooting.
Fine if you want it for the building, but will be pretty useless as a camera.

Real useless one is the see through Konstructor. Has warning - cannot be used for taking photographs ... Dah and is 2x the price
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Hmmm looks good, virtually unuseable. :( ...........

Deleted this, my own stupidity was at fault.winder works fine.
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Here is mine and I finished the first film today. The film counter did not work but I am not bothered about that really. The winder was OK for me. Rewinding the film took a while though.

Konstruktor 1
by alf.branch, on Flickr

The shutter/aperture combination is sunny day only stuff. You can of course use bulb as well.
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The shots are better than I expected. A waist level finder is ackward to use if you aren't familiar with the fliped perspective. As I said it was a construction kit for me that I enjoyed but I'll stick to more solid built cameras

Thanks Eric these were scanned from prints I was surprised I caught the wave and I am getting better with the WLF.