London 2012 - Tower Bridge

Thanks, and yes there are more, but still to go through post-processing in LR.
Wanted to have a few words of advise before I start on the others.
Very nice, just a shame the exposure was not a few seconds longer, to carry the light trail all the way under the bridge
They were lit up a week back. I'm sure it'll be lit atleast till the games last.
Nice shots.

To confirm the rings are still there and are lit up each night (I was down there last night).

Unfortunately they don't keep the rings up for the whole of the light show which starts at 9:30 each night - apparently due to the conflicts of interest between the Olympic ring image and the lighting sponsors (EDF, General Electric) :shrug:
There is still some shadow detail in the largest image on FLickr and the image is sharp. The grain seen is to be expected in a long exposure shot. This is a great photo.
Thanks Flashy.
I'll try to remove the shadows. It was my first try at long exposure.
Didn't realize longer exposure would result in a more grainy pic.
So, to get a sharp clear pic, I have to optimise on the shutter speed. rt? not a second more than is required..

Going to London eye this evening. Any tips?
