London Pictures

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Hey all,

I havent posted in a while but Spent last week in London with the missus.

Here are some of the pictures I took and was hoping for some feedback





Rest can be found here
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Hi Mark,

These are looking rather under-exposed to me. Buck Palace could also do with a little levelling of the horizon too. Have you done any post processing work on them?
:D I mean as well as that.

I need to learn to use photoshop so that I can do some processing/cropping/levelling stuff.

Any suggestions for in the first place though when taking the photos. Looking through a lot of the photo`s I took that day the level seems to be off.
Hi Mark.

As already mentioned these are underexposed. The second one has exposed the sky but not any foreground, were you going for the silhouette look? What metering mode did you use?

As for composition, pics 1,2 and 4 all look a bit too busy. I would put a bit more thought into exactly what you want the main subject to be, try to isolate a bit more and make it stand out a bit more.

For example, the first picture you have the fountain, but it doesn't pop out in any way because it is a similar colour to the backround and there are people and signs in front of it.

I understand it is busy and I don't know the location so there may have been other problems as well but these problems can be generally be overcome by changing position, angle(always remember to crouch to find a better height!) and creating a shallower DOF.

Hope that helps a bit. :)
Before embarking on a path to learn photoshop skills, focus more on understanding composition and lighting, which should result in better pictures being taken without the need to use photoshop to correct mistakes that are avoidable.

Some of the shots in the link show promise and on a brighter day would be greatly improved with better light levels.

Were you shooting on auto mode or have you ventured into manual mode?