London Zoo


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Overcast, muggy and very uncooperative animals :rolleyes:

They were either, sleeping, hiding, sleeping and hiding or sheltered behind mesh fence and glass. Lighting was horrible too :(

These are the best of a bad bunch, all shot with the EF-S 55-250, you can notice the softness when its at 250 :(






A few more HERE.

I need reach :(
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Hi, Your first shot is absolutely stunning! I LOVE it. I do pet and wildlife photography in Southwest Florida and I can certainly appreciate how difficult it is to get good wildlife photos. Patience and the ability to put up with all kinds of weather situations is one key to success. Your other shots (through leaves) are very good, too--shows "natural" habitat. It is quite difficult to get a shallow depth of field with a telephoto lens (e.g., 600mm) unless you pay an astronomical price for a prime one.LOL

Great job!
Patricia Downey
P.S. Overcast weather is the best lighting situation - no harsh or super contrasting results. This type of lighting is also great for available light portraits and for making colours pop! Wish we had more of that here!
First one is a cracka, and the rest are great too, I'd be very happy with these. Sure beats the typical photos we see so many of.
If these are a bad bunch there is no hope for me!

I think they are really good, especially the first one (is it a marmoset?) and the last one is sooooo cheeky.
I'm pretty impressed by all of these, which despite the shooting conditions you describe are super. I particularly like the first and the last shots:clap:
#1 is a stunner. the rest a very good considering the lack of co-operation.
Lovely set.

Thank you everyone :)

#1 is also my favourite, he would not come out of hiding, it took 20 minutes and about 60 clicks to get that shot spot on. He is a Golden Headed Lion Tamarin.

Longleat in 2 weeks, a Canon 100-400L is looking more tempting tbh :thinking: