Looking Back to Glenridding

This is lovely. It captures the scale and the drama beautifully, and the path leads you past the wall and towards the distant valley, leading you in and preventing the wall from both blocking the composition and allowing it provide a foreground feature to give scale and depth.

I feel that there is just a little too much saturation, particularly in the rather bright green of the valley, and the contrast looks a little jacked up on the heather and shadow in the foreground hills. The mass of white cloud on the right perhaps somewhat upsets the kilter.
That's really useful feedback, thanks (y)

I don't feel that this particular image is as strong on its own without having had the experience of that particular walk. So, I might have tried to overcompensate.
I agree with Toby. It just needs the HDR saturation turned down a touch to make it more natural. :)
Okay, I've calmed down the yellow and green in the image and uploaded a new version which I do feel is nicer :)
It is still very punchy but acceptable. The thing that worries me is that the horizon cuts the shot half way. The sky is really strong so my eye bounces between sky and fells not resting anywhere. It may seem a shame to lose some of the richness in the sky but a crop so the horizon is on the upper third would give the shot better balance IMHO.
It is still very punchy but acceptable. The thing that worries me is that the horizon cuts the shot half way. The sky is really strong so my eye bounces between sky and fells not resting anywhere. It may seem a shame to lose some of the richness in the sky but a crop so the horizon is on the upper third would give the shot better balance IMHO.

Thanks, Donna. The lighting conditions were rather contrasty. So, my interpretation would be punchy.

I agree with you in that, compositionally, this image would probably benefit from cropping off some of the top portion of the sky. The lower portion of the sky is more interesting any way!