Looking for „professional“ printing App for iPad

  • Thread starter Deleted member 96098
  • Start date

Deleted member 96098

Hi Forum,

I am in the process of ditching my desktop stuff and go all in on a mobile workflow with my photography stuff.

I just love editing my images on the iPad pro (using lightroom mobile for almost everything).

The one thing I haven‘t figured out yet is how to print in a serious, reproducible way (softproofing, etc.).

Is there Any way or App that can do that sort of thing? Right now printing is more of a trial & and error thing and I would love to change that. Any recommendations?

You’ll be limited to AirPrint from the iPad which can’t give the quality settings you get connected with a cable and using the manufacturer print drivers.

ios 16 allows for drivers to be installed but no idea if any print manufacturers will take advantage of this.