Looking for a remote timer trigger for my Canon 7d

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I have started doing some late night photography. I have reached the 30 second limit for setting the camera shutter speed and I know I now have to move to bulb mode. Can anybody recommend a reasonable priced remote trigger with timer for a Canon 7d. I see Canon sell a Timer Remote Controller TC-80N3 for about £120 but this looks a little steep. If possible if you know any uk suppliers I would appreciate it.
you could always install magic lantern, that would give you longer than the 30 secs and is of course free, plus includes and intervalometer as well
you can set the bulb setting for a set amount of time with it ( from 1 seconds to 8 hours! )and fully supports the 7d
i havent played much with the bulb setting on there so probably need to read up on how to set it up but the feature set is outstanding in it

im sure there are plenty of others on here that can explain how to set up long exposures over 30s on there using Bulb ramping or Bulb mode
Personally I'll take a trigger of some sort over magic lantern any day of the week, purely personal preference on the whole however I'd much rather control the lenth of the exposure myself than have to pre program it, when ever I'm shooting in bulb more often or not I'll want to either stop and exposure early or run it a little longer in order to take advantage of a developing situation, and that just isn't a realistic option with MagicLantern :(

As to choice of trigger I'll never buy a OEM one they charge far to much for what it is...that said I don't particular use a cheap trigger as my primary (yeah I've a fair few) trigger, as a use a Hahnel GigaT Pro 2 it's an excellent bit of kit that is particularly useful in my shooting activities
true magic lantern does have limitations in extending the shot but you can cut it off early if need be. and its free so still worth getting for the intervalometer and other features. as said im no expert and have only played around with it a few times but know quite a fe others that use it successfully. its a handy stopgap to have if nothing else
Thank you everyone for you all your advice. I have settled for a cheap and cheerful generic wired remote. This should get me started, can wait for it to arrive to start to play. Will post some images when I have had a chance to play.
lighting here right now so magic lantern set up in intervalometer mode 500 shots every 40 seconds.. 30 second expsoure with ramping to adjust for change of light.. have a wireless remote too but so much easier this way if get setup correct at the start.. great for time lapse or stacking lightning shots
all sheet lightning at the moment and im waiting on my 10-18 to arrive so having to use a to narrow 50mm.. still i'll just let it run in hope some fork lightning appears ad it catches it.. at least i can enjoy a cuppa while it gets on with the job lol