Looking like a Pro - a lighthearted look by DigitalRev, very entertaining video :)

I do like watching there videos sometimes he is very cringey though. I like the pro tog cheap camera challenges.
Thanks for posting.... Apart from having an assistant, I think I've got this down.... :)
Must go out and get a new hat!! Very amusing. Thanks for posting.
I love Kai's videos. Very funny indeed.
i am a massive fan of there videos they just make me chuckle i also like FroKnowsPhotos Rawtalk. i cant wait for the new videos to be released :oops: :$
i am a massive fan of there videos they just make me chuckle i also like FroKnowsPhotos Rawtalk. i cant wait for the new videos to be released :oops: :$
Jarid winds me up horribly. I find him creepy and icky on shoots with women.
IMHO - he should stick to and improve his equipment reviews
i am a massive fan of there videos they just make me chuckle i also like FroKnowsPhotos Rawtalk. i cant wait for the new videos to be released :oops: :$
I watch Fro too, but he's got pretty arrogant I think. He started off with some great, simple videos (the kermit on the front lawn) and I think his own success. Hmmm. Well, Im not so fussed on him now.

And whats up with all the photographers on YouTube running Critiques???? People are clamoring to get an ego-boost by a famous person.
I always come across his videos when I'm searching for help on a serious topic. I know that I'm not going to get much help but I ended up watching it anyway because they're so funny.

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I enjoyed that! Some good tips there to spot the Pro at this weekend TP Mega Ultra Ultimate meet :)