Looking to add a blog to my website

Edit My Images
which isn't live yet as im still testing.

I have tried to install wordpress as it's an addon with my hosting so does it with ticking a box then I only have to configure it, now, thing is the theme comes with 2 links under the header image to act as a menu but i want a blogging system that can integrate into the site and look part of it.

Yes I can change all the images and background to make it part of the site but I want a menu the same as on the other pages of the site and I cant seem to do that with wordpress depsite searches on their huge forums etc etc :-/

So, there are a few others with my hosting I can try including.


anyone ever heard of any of these?
I'd need to know what you're trying to do achieve to really help, but it's highly likely that I'm going to suggest you create the whole website from WordPress.

WP is more than a blogging platform. It's a CMS, which can be used for the vast majority of needs.

Assuming your main site is a gallery of your photography or a business site, you just need WordPress for the whole shabang!
I think you want to do what I want to do which is move the main blog posts to a page linked to by a menu item and then have static content on your front page. Is this correct?
PS. I'd like to know how to do what I described BTW....
Yep, I already have the structure of the website done all pretty much in html which Im happy with, now all i want is some form of blog.

I could of course either simply use a news page and update it regularly but a blog has so many more features and would make it simpler.

So the other option would be simply to create a blogger blog and link to that, but again, I'd like everything on one site to make it as seamless as possible.

Hence I'd like to use a blogging tool within my already built site which rules out using wordpress for everything as I'm too far down the road so to speak.

What I was looking to do was put a wordpress blog into my site and also have the same menu system as I have on all the other pages but it seems you can't do that, so I'll probably just have to either find a different one that will allow me to do that or live with only having one link on the blog section that will return the viewer back to the main site which is not ideal :-/
The best way to do this is to create a new theme for Wordpress that looks exactly like your site.

I'm in the process of redesigning my site so that the website and blog aspects match, it's easier when you can start with 2 clean(ish) slates.
Why not use wordpress for your entire site?
What I was looking to do was put a wordpress blog into my site and also have the same menu system as I have on all the other pages but it seems you can't do that, so I'll probably just have to either find a different one that will allow me to do that or live with only having one link on the blog section that will return the viewer back to the main site which is not ideal :-/

I think what you mean sounds similar to this http://www.techsupportforum.com/

(Disclaimer, yes I am associated with that site but it's a good example :LOL:)

Only the articles section uses Wordpress, with a custom theme designed to look like the rest of the site. I'm not sure what coding is involved outside of the Wordpress theme to make it fit like that.