Lost Children


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Just a quick pic from a whilke ago.
what are your thoughts does the picture work?

mods pls move to General Photo Sharing please!
I think it's a decent enough shot. It's a slightly different take on the homeless issue. I can't stand the pretentious people that shoot homelessness but completely out of context. I think this has a decent amount of merit in the fact that the message is shown in the sign in the window. I still feel that shooting homelessness needs to have context. It's important that you talk to these people and try to relate to their situation before shooting. Too many people think it's acceptable to shoot this particular issue from afar with a zoom lens. Those people loose credibility in my opinion, it's a cheap shot... shooting people at their most vulnerable.

That's my opinion. Did you speak to this person?
this was actually staged! I know the person sat there.
He thought it would be a good idea and i obliged. Generally i dont shoot homeless people and if i did it would only be fair to give him something in return, cup of coffee, portion of chips or something. I refuse to givve moeny sometimes as it might end up feeding a habit.
The idea may be contrived but it is a good idea. I would have been tempted to find a different viewpoint. I keep looking at the image and trying to imagine a way of eliminating the clutter in the building, particularly the piece of litter on the floor and whatever is on the desk. The vertical part of the window frame seems to be at a slight angle, did you try rotating the image slightly? The treatment works well. I hope this helps.
i noticed theclutter after i posted it here! i think some simple cloning and rotation won't go a miss.
Maybe clone out the sign on the door in the background as well, i find it leads my eyes away from the sign

I agree that the desk and rubbish could do with going, but I actually think the sign on the door adds a certain irony to the shot given that it appears to be for baby changing facilites.

Over and above this, I love the dark expanse to the right of the figure that forces you to read the sign as the dominant feature.