Lost it...........

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Hi all. Yesterday I am sure I was looking at this section and came across a stunning shot of a young lady. She was half naked facing away from the camera and her jean swere lowered to show a small portion of her buttocks. More importantly she was lit from both sides. Now having slightly more time day I would love to see the lighting set up again. Alas I can not find this photo and wondered if I just had a brillant dream or someonelse has seen this photo and can point me in the right direction. Thanks in advance.
Now if my failing memory serves it may have been in a top ten or most viewed gallery. Again being a newbie I cant find these....................
Hiya David
Almost like the second photo but with no underwear and I am sure shall was blond. Could be I just dreamed it. Thanks for your help.
Definately not blonde, but could it have been my double rimlit nude?