Lost Soul

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Was walking around town yesterday and saw this poor lost soul. Wanted to get closer but was too chicken s***,lol



I wondered where my dad had got to! :D
proper hobo!
is that steve???? ;)
GfK said:
OT: Quilt Festival?!?!!

Is that all you saw when you looked at that pic :LOL: I have no idea what a quilt festival is,sorry. The homeless should evoke some kind of emotion,,lol erm guess I didnt' capture that eh? :LOL:

Oh yeah, I didn't notice the Nad scratching until you mentioned it, Let's not even think of that one. :puke:
jewel said:
Is that all you saw when you looked at that pic :LOL:
No, I also saw "Cousin It" adjusting his trouser furniture but I didn't like to say.
Nice pics but man o man how I would have loved to have met this man for a chat and some pics up close.

i wondered what happend to craig charles after red dwarf!

nice shot jewel, the scratching makes it :p
jewel said:
Wanted to get closer but was too chicken s***,lol

LOL. Just as well probably Jewel. We had a guy just like him sleeping rough and knocking around the local town centre for years. He was in a shocking state... if you got too close to him you could see critters jumping off him. :eek:
CT said:
LOL. Just as well probably Jewel. We had a guy just like him sleeping rough and knocking around the local town centre for years. He was in a shocking state... if you got too close to him you could see critters jumping off him. :eek:

Ewww! Doesn't that just break your heart though to see that in this day and age? I don't understand how one gets to that state but, makes for a great photo,lol :p I'm heading to Toronto next weekend, sure there will be lots of photo ops like these,lol

Thanks for the comments everyone and the link Himupnorth,learn something everyday:LOL:
Sad subject but congratulations on the observation and its capture.