Loudon Hill.


Bo Derek
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This is Loudon Hill and taken on one of my adventures with the dogs. It's about 4 miles from home, I'm yet to climb it but I will. There were big battles here at one time, Sir William Wallace defeated an English force in 1296 and King Robert the Bruce defeated the English in 1307.

In this pic, Winter is starting to take hold, the leaves are almost all gone but the fields are still green. I;ve noticed a 'grittiness to the image' which I think might be to do with the Autumn textures. A conversion to monochrome may be in order.:)

Dale, it is just compromised, I think, by the cut off hedge and gate, and the gate and the tree both being too close to the outer edges. Maybe you were trying to frame it with the tree. I can't help but wonder if you wouldn't have been better to move to the right, bring the tree into a third, and maybe lost the gate somehow. I can see it was difficult, because you appear to be in a lane with a hedge on each side, but this doesn't quite work as it is in terms of composition. Moody scene though.
Thanks for that mate, appreciated.:)

I think also it might have been better with my 18-55 on instead of my 28-105. The 28 - 105 stops at 35mm too and I'm afraid to force it any further.

I might well go back later today, weather dependent, it's rubbish here just now.
Not much light here at the moment though. Its 3.30 and feels like its getting dark.

Oh tell me about it, the security lights were coming on at 4-10 pm here yesterday. :crying:

Anyway, I've been back to the hill, I recomposed the above shot with a wider lens, but the hill itself was too dark, so I don't think it's an improvement on the first. I managed to get a few more shots of the hill though and here are 2 of the better ones, although the jury is still out on the first for me. The second one is my fave of the hill so far.:)


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This is Loudon Hill and taken on one of my adventures with the dogs. It's about 4 miles from home, I'm yet to climb it but I will. There were big battles here at one time, Sir William Wallace defeated an English force in 1296 and King Robert the Bruce defeated the English in 1307.

In this pic, Winter is starting to take hold, the leaves are almost all gone but the fields are still green. I;ve noticed a 'grittiness to the image' which I think might be to do with the Autumn textures. A conversion to monochrome may be in order.:)


I'd say it needs a little more focus on a foreground interest
Oh tell me about it, the security lights were coming on at 4-10 pm here yesterday. :crying:

Anyway, I've been back to the hill, I recomposed the above shot with a wider lens, but the hill itself was too dark, so I don't think it's an improvement on the first. I managed to get a few more shots of the hill though and here are 2 of the better ones, although the jury is still out on the first for me. The second one is my fave of the hill so far.:)

I really like number 2
Of the second two, I don't think the first quite works. Its got some good elements, but the sky is dull and the house is distracting. The line of the foreground hedge is really interesting, but I think it contributes to pulling everything over to the left of the frame. I think the saturation is too high as well.

The second is superb, great sky and composition, and a really nice texture. The tonemapping you have used is perhaps a little strong. You are starting to get a little haloing on the outcrop, and the saturation is perhaps marginally too high.

Great work though. Shows how working on a subject brings results.
Thanks for the comments, they are much appreciated as it's constructive crit of that kind that I'm looking for, which means I can go out and try to improve it again.:)

I had noticed the halo myself and I tried to clone it but it was doing even more damage, I reduced the smoothing but then lost the detail in the rocks, oh the joys of photography.:LOL: