Lovely Bride - Updated

Bal Sanghera
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Still processing the set from today but this is a favourite of mine but what do you think?


Like it on facebook too
What action did you use? (if it was an existing action).
This looks like a dark blue layer set to 'exclusion' blending.

Like the feel of the image but lacking in shadows/black areas. Try fiddling with a curves layer to achieve this if you think it's worth a go :)

Nice shot though.
Sorry dude but the highlights on the flowers are blown.

The WB is out as well but that may have been your intention.

Overall, it looks a little soft on my monitor.

Saying all that, as long as the bride and groom like them thats all that counts.
This shot looks a bit washed out and soft to me, and you have totally lost the flowers.
Flowers are washed out, but it does help to draw your eyes to her face.
I may not have cropped it so tightly on the bottom and right - her wedding ring is only just in the photo and you've lost some of her hair.
I have uploaded the unedited version, it may just be my post processing that doesnt quite do the trick?

...however, if you were looking for a dreamy 1970's style photo you've captured it beautifully with your PP.

It's a lovely picture and depending on whether you achieved what you wanted with your PP work, you either succeeded or otherwise.

Personally, I like it.
Not sure what era of style would be but was going for a old vintage style magazine effect. I am pretty pleased with the results but perhaps should of explained in post one that it had been processed like that and not straight from camera.
I like the warm colour balance. Gives it a bit of a warm summer day atmosphere.

Since the flowers aren't completely blown in the original, I'm sure you could retain the highlights with an extra layer and a mask to paint them back in.
TBH I think these would be much better without the overkill on the processing - for example no. 2 has very obvious haloing around her boobs, and also round her back - no 3 is also overblown.

I do like no. 4 though its the best of the lot by a long way, more natural and less forced

no. 5 needs straightening and I'm not sure how you've processed but you've introduced a colour cast to both his shirt and dress.

no .6 - she just looks distinctly uncomfortable
i do actually quite like the low saturation / washed out look, works very well imo, but each to their own, and as someone said, as long as the bride and groom were happy...
Thanks guys, @boyfalldown I dont have a calibrated monitor so you might being something different to me but all comments appreciated :)
Personally, I like the washed out look. Horses for courses & all that. My ex is a wedding photographer who is absolutely brilliant at this style, & she is now charging around £2,500-£3,000 per wedding because it's a really unique look & feel. Not every couple will like it, & obviously you'd want to discuss their needs/desires well beforehand, but it's a highly worthy outcome