Low Grain Film?

In escence lower speed = less grain. Colour wise ektar100 is pretty good (colour negative) or Fuji provia (colour slide). Black and White try ilford delta 100, or if you want to try some classic film adox 25 or 50 is nice, but needs careful deveopment.

Are you judging the grain by scans? If so who is doing the scanning?

In escence lower speed = less grain. Colour wise ektar100 is pretty good (colour negative) or Fuji provia (colour slide). Black and White try ilford delta 100, or if you want to try some classic film adox 25 or 50 is nice, but needs careful deveopment.

Are you judging the grain by scans? If so who is doing the scanning?

Yes, I am judging by scans. These are done both by myself and a lab and the results are identical.
Depending on what ISO you need for whatever you're shooting my personal favourite for ISO100 is Fuji Acros. The grain is fine enough to give me trouble when printing making sure the enlarger is focused properly.
Rollei pan 25 is smooth as slug snot too, but as with everything you have to soup it for fine grain.
Also, I'm interested to hear a bit more about "clittle colour".......sounds fab..:)
I'd have to give a +1 to the Rollei Pan 25 - It's a lovely film.

You can buy it cheaper from the Maco factory/website itself in Germany. :)