LPL7700 enlargers - anyone know anything ?

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Well, after several days if virtually no internet access, tonight it seems to be working, so I took a look at ebay, and noticed an LPL 7700 colour enlarger going with a buy it now price of£80, and a starting price of 99p. Like a good citizen, I placed my bid of 99p, and won the thing (complete with lens..)
So, is it a good enlarger, and have I paid too much, been ripped off or what ???

Actually, the seller seems to have thought that the buy it now price was like a reserve or something, and has said he needs to check the rules, but he will stand by the price if he is wrong - I in turn have told him that if he wants to sell it again, then fine by me - I do not want to see someone loosing out too much, so I may not actually get the thing, but it has to be the best deal I have made in a long time (the seller had even offered to store it for me till I am back in the UK, so he seems like an honest chap..)
Damn my parents for making me too honest..
It’s a very good enlarger. Originally it had a universal neg carrier which would go from 110 film to 6X7. It also has a nice height adjustment mechanism.
Which lens has it got? Most were sold with a 50mm El Nikkor, if yours has this it would be the icing on the cake. In any event £80 is good price even with no lens.
It has a minolta 75mm lens, and the seller has just got back to me - he does want to try selling it again, so I loose out, but can sleep with an honest heart and a clear conscience.
Too honest...?
You did the right thing, there's too many shadey characters in the world as it is....:LOL:
Our lass :shake: won a dog kennel :shake: for 99p, to collect :shake: from.......Mansfield:shake:, 100 mile round trip:bang:
I took her, and she paid a tenner for it:cautious:

didn't raathistle get a 7700

*edit* nope Ven hasn't hacked my account, I put all the smilie's in of my own free will.
Well, the seller has promised me I will go to heaven - says all us Londoners do so...
Better start looking for enlargers again now

As for smiles joxby - you drunk or what ?..
didn't raathistle get a 7700

yes I did :D

Its a great bit of kit, and probably worth the £80

The only annoying thing is when using the colour filters to change contrast you need to adjust the exposure as well, unlike with VC filters.

You would also need a longer lens (something around 105-120mm) to print MF negs, but they aren't very expensive

Shame you missed out, but probably worth having another go for it if they relist :shrug:
I'd have sold my right arm for an LPL back in the day :)
i have one of these enlargers, and a cpl of lenses, nikkor and snieder.
I have not used it for about 3 years and it sits in my "darkroom". its probabaly a bit rusty by now, ill have a look if you want.
I stopped using c41/ra4 stuff about 3 years ago, locked my darkroom and never went back in.
If its Ok, you can have it free. inc the lens etc and theer are some carriers 6x6 35mm and a exposure meter etc.
I must warn you that it may all be really horrid by now.
Pls PM me to remind me LOL :)
gwp - I have PM'ed you
This sounds like a lovely offer you are making !
Please go have a look, and then let me know what you have and where you are, and, if possible, what works !
I would love to take advantage of you on this, but only if you accept some payment, or tell me where I can donate some money - TP could do with some help of you felt that way..!
And, this sort of thing is what makes this place such a good place - I have been given stuff in the past, I have also given things away - Thankfully there are still people and places where trust and generosity are available.Recently I have been experiencing problems with a person who owes me money, and it has undermined my trust - you are helping restore it !
Thanks gwp !