"Lucky" shot

Ian D J

Michael Fish
Ian D J
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Only because this was taken on a mobile phone! (Sony C902).


I saw this lovely dappled cloudscape before I got into my greenhouse workplace at 5.15 am the other morning. But it wasn't until I downloaded the image onto my computer did I notice the bird!
How could a mobile phone camera be capable of freeze framing an object flying along at high speed?! And it was a swift and they fly at top speed!
Ha nice one matey (y)
Nice clouds! And lucky timing with the bird!

How could a mobile phone camera be capable of freeze framing an object flying along at high speed?!

Probably because of the sheer brightness of the scene! There's so much light, that even a mobile phone with a small aperture can achieve a good shutter speed, and that's frozen the bird!
Nice clouds! And lucky timing with the bird!Probably because of the sheer brightness of the scene! There's so much light, that even a mobile phone with a small aperture can achieve a good shutter speed, and that's frozen the bird!

Glad you all like it!

Yes, you're right about the brightness. As you can see the camera was facing the sun dead on, so it forced the mobile to use the fastest possible shutter speed it can muster up.
I didn't even notice the bird until I got the image up on the screen, and when I looked closer, I discovered it is a swift and they do fly along at jet-fighter speeds! That's the thing which surprised me the most.
Now, if I'm faced with the same set of circumstances but this time I am armed and ready with my D40, I doubt it'll come out as well as this! :LOL: :D :naughty:
Superb Ian... that's a shot in a million with a mobile phone, probably impossible to capture a, I think, swallow in flight with a mobile 'cos of the short time lag of pressing the button and recording the image.
I have tried for many weeks last summer to get a swallow in flight with a 40D, high speed shutter, high speed drive, 100-400 on A1 servo with multi point focusing on bright sunny days, hundreds of images to get one decent shot (avatar ) and you get one with a mobile, bluddy hell!!
Hats off to ya Ian.
Regards, Alan.
bloody birds getting in the way of some nice clouds...........:LOL:
That's excellent Ian... (y) ... a really superb cloud-scape that is... :D

But the bird is a Swallow and they're a tad slower than Swifts so there's your freeze reason... ;)
