Lumix Post Focus - Anyone Use This In Anger?

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Sitting here waiting for DPD, so I absentmindedly pressed a function button on the GX80 that I've never used in all of these years and saw POST FOCUS ON / OFF. I remember before I bought this camera I was convinced I'd use the 4k features to capture some cracking shots. Turns out I've never used them at all. So anyway, I had a little play and it was easy. But I'm not sure it's of any practical use whilst out there as nothing I point this camera at tends to stay very still? Does anyone use this feature?

Post Focus 1.jpg
Post Focus 2.jpg
Post Focus 3.jpg
Only like you when I wanted to see what it was all about
Never used it in anger and pretty sure I never will.

There is something else that captures a photo before the shutter button is fully depressed.
Never used that either and again doubt I ever will
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Yes, I read about the pre-burst function but it sounds like wizardry to me. I assume the camera is taking photos all the time, before immediately deleting them (and taking some more, ad infinitum) until the moment you actually press the shutter, at which point it doesn't delete them, but presents them as that magical pre-burst series of shots. My GX80 battery doesn't last long at the best of times, so I suspect that would kill it very quickly, As DPD are still not here, I might give it a go...

EDIT: That is wizardry. I aimed the camera out of the window at passing cars, waited until a car had gone by altogether and was out of sight and only then did I press the shutter. Lo and behold, the car that had already gone by was there in the pre-burst series of images.
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Only played with the post focussing. IIRC it restricts the final picture size to 8MP, as do all the 4K based options.
Here's the third 4k option - recording a video essentially and extracting an 8mb JPG. Not great, but might be fun if ever circumstances arise where by a moment in time is critical.

Cherry and chocolate.jpg

I really must get round to reading the manuals on these cameras of mine sometime. I tend to stick them on M and just use the basic triangle settings.

And I'm still waiting for DPD to show...
I've used the two settings. I played around with the post focus on the G9 when doing some macro work and then stacking the images together. It gave a very clear image as result. I've also used the 6k photo mode to capture my tiny little dog running around to great (imo) effect and the pre burst mode helps capture the moments where she decides to dart across the floor far quicker than I would have pressed the shutter button.

I believe the 6k modes produces an 18/19 MP jpeg and the 4k mode is 8/9mp image.
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My GX80 came with Post Focus, then after a firmware update, that evolved into Focus Stacking. It's a bit of fun but not good enough, unfortunately.